
War & Conflict

  • Reports: Islamists assault Iraqi city of Mosul; 500,000 flee
    Half a million people reportedly have been streaming out of a major Iraqi city that was seized by Islamist militants this week. The extremist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, which has ties to al-Qaida, took over much of Mosul after Iraqi security forces seemingly abandoned their posts.June 11, 2014
  • American Refugee Committee to combat unemployment in Somalia
    Minnesota-based American Refugee Committee announced a project Wednesday to combat unemployment in Somalia where more than 6 in 10 citizens are out of work.The Daily Circuit, June 11, 2014
  • 5 Americans killed in Afghanistan: Friendly fire?
    Five U.S. service members have died in southern Afghanistan, in a possible case of friendly fire. Afghan media are citing a local official who says the troops' air support mistakenly bombed their position. The attack is still under investigation.June 10, 2014
  • Reports: Bergdahl tells medical officials Taliban kept him in a cage
    Bergdahl, who was freed after almost five years when the U.S. agreed to trade five Taliban prisoners in exchange for the U.S. soldier, said he was tortured and beaten and held in a cage in Afghanistan.June 8, 2014
  • Minnesotan recalls his role in D-Day
    He landed in the second wave of troops to hit Utah Beach.The Daily Circuit, June 6, 2014
  • Photos: Coming ashore on D-Day, 1944
    Seventy years after Allied troops stormed the beaches at Normandy, President Barack Obama returned Friday to the hallowed battleground in what he called a "powerful manifestation of America's commitment to human freedom" that lives on in a new generation. Below are a few photos of what the day looked like.June 6, 2014
  • BBC explainer: What do Ukrainians really think of the Russians?
    Do we really understand what's going on in Ukraine, and what ordinary Ukrainians themselves think of the Russians?June 5, 2014
  • Minn. National Guard soldiers return from Afghanistan
    President Barack Obama last week laid out a plan to wind down the war in Afghanistan. The president wants to keep 9,800 troops there after combat missions end later this year before completely leaving the country in 2016. About 162 Minnesota guardsmen are still serving in the country.June 5, 2014
  • Remembering D-Day, 70 years later
    Today marks the 70th anniversary of one of the most important events of the 20th century.... the Allied landing at Normandy, France. "D-Day," on June 6th, 1944 was the largest amphibious landing in history. Eleven thousand ships and landing craft delivered 176,000 Allied troops across the English Channel, landing along a 50-mile stretch of the Normandy coast. It marked the first step in the long Allied campaign during World War II to liberate Europe from Nazi occupation. It took a horrendous toll, on both sides. This hour, we remember D-Day.... and what followed AFTER the landing. We hear from the late World War II historian Stephen Ambrose and begin this hour with a National Public Radio documentary about D-Day, produced by Nina Ellis and Margaret West. It's titled, "D-Day Diary" and was originally broadcast on June 6th, 1994.Minnesota Public Radio News Presents, June 5, 2014
  • America Abroad: The Consequences of Shrinking America's Military
    From PRI's "America Abroad" series: As America withdraws troops from Afghanistan, cuts back on military spending and the size of the military, some worry that America's leadership in the world and ability to protect its allies will erode. President Obama wants to pivot military attention to Asia, but announced this week in Poland the US will boost its military presence in Europe. How are America's defense budget cuts being perceived around the world?Minnesota Public Radio News Presents, June 4, 2014
  • Did Obama make right call in POW deal?
    "Regardless of the circumstances, whatever those circumstances may turn out to be, we still get an American soldier back if he's held in captivity," President Obama said at a news conference. "We don't condition that." He said the U.S. has a "sacred" obligation to not leave service members behind.June 4, 2014
  • Taliban video shows handover of US soldier
    The 17-minute video emailed to media, shows the moment of Bergdahl's handover. He was freed on Saturday after five years in captivity, and exchanged for the five Taliban Guantanamo detainees who were flown to Qatar, a tiny Gulf Arab country which has served as a mediator in the negotiations for the swap.June 4, 2014
  • Should the U.S. release prisoners in exchange for our soldiers?
    Now that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is out of Taliban control after spending nearly five years in captivity, there's growing concern about the strategy of prisoner swaps.The Daily Circuit, June 3, 2014
  • US wasn't sure of POW Bergdahl's release until final moments
    According to a State Department official directly involved in the negotiations in Doha, U.S. officials who had holed up in the embassy for three straight days thought the final days of negotiations with the Taliban's political leadership, through Qatari intermediaries, had gone pretty smoothly. But uncertainties remained.June 3, 2014
  • Bergdahl no pal to former Minnesota soldier
    The need to exchange five allegedly dangerous detainees in for Bowe Bergdahl is becoming more mysterious with each hour since the weekend exchange with the Taliban. It's not often the yellow ribbons go up for someone being increasingly described by former colleagues as a "deserter."June 3, 2014

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