
War & Conflict

  • Bin Laden associates show no remorse in statements
    In public statements a week apart, al-Qaida's self-professed Sept. 11 mastermind and a Kuwaiti imam who met with Osama bin Laden in a cave soon after the attacks once again demonstrated that time hasn't softened their anti-American views.March 22, 2014
  • Russia-US tensions could stall Syrian chemical weapons removal
    As U.S.-Russian relations sour, some observers fear the plan to eliminate Syria's chemical arsenal might stall. This past week, the removal of chemicals from Syria reached the halfway mark. Without pressure from both superpowers, however, some believe Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will begin to drag his feet.March 22, 2014
  • Pro-Russian forces storm Ukrainian base in Crimea
    Pro-Russian forces stormed a Ukrainian air force base in Crimea, firing shots and smashing through concrete walls with armored personnel carriers, according to an Associated Press journalist. At least one person was wounded, the base commander said.March 22, 2014
  • Putin: Crimea move thwarts Western plot
    Speaking before parliament in a televised address to the nation, President Vladimir Putin said the rights of ethnic Russians had been abused by the new Ukrainian government. He insisted that Crimea's vote Sunday to join Russia was in line with international lawMarch 18, 2014
  • Russia recognizes independent Crimea; U.S. and EU 'stand firm' with Ukraine
    Putin is slated to address a joint session of parliament Tuesday where he could announce that Russia is annexing Crimea. The U.S. and its European Union allies are "going to stand firm in our unwavering support for Ukraine," President Obama said MondayMarch 17, 2014
  • North Dakota's Hoeven on trip to Ukraine
    Republican North Dakota Sen. John Hoeven was one of seven US senators who went to Ukraine late last week.The Daily Circuit, March 17, 2014
  • Crimea's parliament declares independence; US expected to announce sanctions
    President Barack Obama told Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday that Crimea's vote "would never be recognized" by the United States, as he and other top U.S. officials warned Moscow against making further military moves toward southern and eastern Ukraine.March 17, 2014
  • Crimea: Exit polls support split from Ukraine to join Russia
    Polls closed Sunday evening after a day of reportedly high turnout. Preliminary results aren't expected to be announced until late Sunday or Monday. Russian lawmakers and other officials are being quoted saying that they will work to absorb Crimea very quickly, perhaps by the end of March.March 16, 2014
  • US rejects Crimea vote, cites Russian intimidation
    The U.S. rejected the Crimea secession referendum Sunday as illegal and readied retaliatory penalties against Russia, while shifting sights to deterring possible military advances elsewhere in Ukraine that could inflame the crisis.March 16, 2014
  • US warns Russia on moves near east, south Ukraine
    Repeating that the United States will not recognize the results of the Crimea vote and will, with the European Union, impose penalties on Russia if it annexes the strategic region, senior U.S. officials warned that any Russia moves on east and south Ukraine would be a grave escalation requiring additional responses.March 16, 2014
  • Venezuela in turmoil for lack of flour, milk and diapers
    Student-led demonstrations have been roiling Venezuela for more than a month. At least 28 people have been killed and dozens wounded in confrontations between security forces and those who have taken to the streets.March 16, 2014
  • Crimeans vote on splitting from Ukraine to join Russia
    The ethnically Russian region is expected to favor secession. Russian President Putin has said he will respect the voters' decision, but annexation could trigger tough sanctions.March 16, 2014
  • Minnesota man seeks son's return from Ukraine
    A Maple Grove man is at the center of an international custody battle that's left his 4-year-old son in an unsettled place -- Ukraine.March 15, 2014
  • Russia vetoes U.N. Security Council resolution on Crimea
    One day before Crimea holds a referendum on leaving Ukraine, Russia vetoes a U.N. Security Council resolution that would have declared the referendum in Crimea invalid.March 15, 2014
  • Tim O'Brien on award-winning Vietnam War book, 'The Things They Carried'
    Minnesota native Tim O'Brien, speaking about his award-winning book about his Vietnam War experience, "The Things They Carried." His book is the subject of a one-man play at the History Theatre in St. Paul, March 15-April 6, 2104. Tim O'Brien gave this talk in Blaine in 2010 as part of the Friends of the Hennepin County Library's "Club Book" series.Minnesota Public Radio News Presents, March 13, 2014

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