Minnesota Legislature: Minnesota's Budget Crisis

Minnesota's top economist says Bernard Madoff's alleged $50 billion Ponzi scheme could deepen the state's deficit by $20 million or more. (02/06/2009)
Legislators are peeling back the layers of Gov. Tim Pawlenty's budget plan this week, and many DFLers say they don't like what they're seeing. (02/03/2009)
As the governor and state lawmakers struggle to erase a projected $4.8 billion deficit over the next two years, they're talking about a lot of things including spending cuts and one-time money and accounting shifts. But policy makers aren't saying much about how the state can raise money. It could be tax increases or other steps. (02/03/2009)
An Associated Press analysis shows that Gov. Tim Pawlenty's budget proposal would cut the equivalent of more than 1,100 full-time state workers within about two years. (01/30/2009)
Gov. Pawlenty has appointed the director of Minnesota Management and Budget to oversee Minnesota's portion of the federal stimulus package. (01/30/2009)
Tobacco money could be a big piece of the budget puzzle as Minnesota lawmakers try to plug a nearly $5 billion deficit. (01/29/2009)
Gov. Pawlenty touted his budget plan today to one of the few groups that may be pleased with it -- the business community. As some groups complain about cuts to health care, aid to local government and higher education, the business community is cheering proposed tax cuts. (01/28/2009)
In his budget address, Governor Tim Pawlenty proposed $2.5 billion in state spending for areas such as subsidized health insurance, higher education, and aid to cities and counties. Legislative leaders join MPR's Gary Eichten to respond. (Midday, 01/28/2009)
Governor Tim Pawlenty's proposal to fix the state's $4.8 billion dollar deficit includes a big cut for higher education. Under the governor's plan, the state's colleges and universities would receive 10 percent less in state funding in the next two years. (01/28/2009)
Governor Pawlenty will take his budget proposal on the road today, speaking before two local chambers of commerce. Meanwhile, committees in the House and Senate will start examining the details of Pawlenty's proposal to erase the state's projected $4.8 billion deficit. The plan makes significant cuts to state programs, but it could be worse. (01/28/2009)
Gov. Pawlenty proposes increasing spending in human services, but demand is expected to out-pace spending. (01/27/2009)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty on Tuesday proposed a budget that cuts state spending by 2.2 percent and relies on federal stimulus funding to help erase an expected deficit of nearly $5 billion. Under the proposed budget, about 84,000 people would lose eligibility for state health programs. (01/27/2009)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty is set to present his plan to the Legislature tomorrow, to fix the $4.8 billion projected state budget deficit. He's promised significant spending cuts and no new taxes. Pawlenty joins Midday today for a preview. (Midday, 01/26/2009)
To date, Gov. Tim Pawlenty's plan to cut corporate income taxes is the only tax proposal on the table at the Capitol. (01/25/2009)
As local officials prepare for likely state budget cuts, many of them gathered in St. Cloud Thursday to exchange ideas on how to conserve energy and save money. (01/22/2009)

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