Minnesota Legislature: Minnesota's Budget Crisis

Minnesota lawmakers now have a budget number to work with -- the deficit is $4.5 billion. Two Minnesota House leaders from either side of the aisle offer their perspectives on how to balance the budget. (Midmorning, 03/03/2009)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty holds a news conference this morning to answer questions about the new revenue forecast and projected budget deficit of $4.5 billion. We have live coverage, plus analysis of the new numbers from two political observers. (Midday, 03/03/2009)
Local elected officials have been warning that state aid cuts will mean fewer police and firefighters on the street. But some cities appear to be in a better position than others to handle cuts. (03/03/2009)
State finance officials release a new economic forecast today, and all signs suggest Minnesota's $4.8 billion budget deficit will grow significantly larger. (03/03/2009)
St. Cloud State University already lost $1.6 million when Gov. Pawlenty used his budget-cutting authority late last year. (03/02/2009)
Former Republican Gov. Al Quie and former DFL Sen. Majority Leader Roger Moe offer advice on how to deal with the state's current $4.8 billion budget deficit, which could get even bigger when a new forecast comes out this week. (Midday, 02/27/2009)
Minnesota is one of just a few states that don't tax clothing sales. But calls to extend the sales tax to clothes are expected to grow as state leaders confront a nearly $5 billion deficit. (02/27/2009)
Minnesota, with a projected budget deficit of $5 billion over the next two years, is not alone. In fact, more than 30 states face projected budget gaps, thanks to the sagging economy. (02/27/2009)
Minnesota Public Radio held a forum on the state budget -- and how it affects one community, White Bear Lake. (02/22/2009)
The federal stimulus money for education won't keep schools from making their own local budget cuts in coming weeks. (02/20/2009)
Democrats who control the Minnesota Legislature are taking the state's $5 billion budget shortfall to the people in a series of town hall meetings that begin Thursday in Mankato, Rochester, St. Cloud and Willmar. (02/18/2009)
A business-oriented tax panel created by Gov. Tim Pawlenty wants to eliminate corporate income taxes while raising the cigarette tax and broadening the sales tax. (02/13/2009)
With the U.S. House and Senate expected to vote soon on a $789 billion economic stimulus bill, officials at the Minnesota State Capitol are still trying to figure out what it means for them. Lawmakers held a meeting this afternoon to discuss how the money could be spent. (02/12/2009)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty is warning that since the economy is not improving, Minnesota's state budget deficit is likely to grow by $1 billion or more. (02/11/2009)
A Minnesota House committee approved legislation today that would ban sexual predators from social networking Web sites. (02/10/2009)

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