Minnesota Legislature: Minnesota's Budget Crisis

Minnesota's two largest public employee unions have reached a tentative contract agreement that avoids the possibility of unpaid furloughs. (04/22/2009)
Residents in Little Falls are sending local legislators letters, e-mails and petitions in a campaign to keep the Charles Lindbergh Historic Site open. It's one of three historic sites that could be shut down because of state budget cuts. (04/22/2009)
In the final weeks of the 2009 legislative session, lawmakers are deciding education funding and policy changes. Education Commissioner Alice Seagren joins Midday to discuss the proposals being debated at the Capitol. (Midday, 04/22/2009)
Senate Democrats want to raise income taxes on every Minnesotan for five years to help balance the state's budget. Their plan differs from a tax increase plan from House DFLers, and both proposals face an almost certain veto from Gov. Pawlenty. (04/21/2009)
Rep. Tom Huntley, DFL-Duluth, said most provider payments would be cut by 3 percent, but he said no one currently on state subsidized health insurance would lose their coverage. (04/21/2009)
Democrats in the Minnesota House are proposing to raise income taxes for the state's wealthiest residents and scrap many of the tax breaks those same people now enjoy. (04/20/2009)
Democrats in the House and Senate are scheduled to release their tax bills this week, and a lot of people will be looking to see how those bills impact local governments. Many of them will be lobbyists -- lobbyists who are paid with taxpayer money. (04/20/2009)
The Minnesota Historical Society said today it may lay off nearly 100 employees, cut the hours of another 220, and close some historic sites in the state as a result of cuts in its state funding and the poor economy. (04/16/2009)
A bill introduced in the Minnesota Senate this week would cut prison sentences across the board and lower penalties for specific crimes. The bill's author said she's proposing the changes to help balance the state's budget. But some public safety advocates say the changes go too far and the savings could be found elsewhere. (04/16/2009)
The Minnesota House and Senate resumed work Tuesday after a holiday break, and deep disagreements remain over how to erase the state's $4.6 billion budget deficit. (04/14/2009)
The Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader discuss the $4.6 billion budget shortfall and other key issues being negotiated in the final 5 weeks of the 2009 Legislative Session. (Midday, 04/13/2009)
The latest economic update provided by Minnesota Management and Budget says general fund revenues collected by the state have fallen below forecast in the last two months. (04/10/2009)
The Minnesota Senate has given preliminary approval to an education funding bill that cuts state spending for public schools. (04/07/2009)
Education funding comes up today in the Minnesota Senate. The DFL-backed bill would cut K-12 funding by more than 3 percent. The state's teachers union, Education Minnesota, is opposed to that move. (04/07/2009)
The Minnesota House passed a $200 million borrowing plan for public construction projects on Monday. The House also passed a pair of stimulus spending bills aimed at water infastructure projects and unemployment funding. (04/06/2009)

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