Minnesota Legislature: Minnesota's Budget Crisis

Gov. Tim Pawlenty's top budget adviser says spending cuts totaling $231 million could begin by the end of the week to address the state's short-term budget problem. (12/15/2008)
State lawmakers will hear today from the government departments and higher education institutions likely to be targeted for budget cuts in the coming weeks. (12/15/2008)
State lawmakers must decide where to cut to make up a short-term deficit of more than $426-million dollars, and funding for state departments, local governments, and higher education institutions are on the chopping block. (Midday, 12/15/2008)
The Minneapolis City Council meets Friday for the last time this year. Before council members take a holiday break, they will vote on the 2009 budget and a hiring freeze. Both measures have either been shaped by, or made necessary because of local and national financial woes. (12/12/2008)
City officials from throughout Minnesota converged on the Capitol today to demand their state funding be spared from budget cuts. They say they want to do their part to help, but the timing of the cuts would mean financial disaster. (12/10/2008)
State economist Tom Stinson is telling lawmakers to expect Minnesota's short-term budget hole to grow by $30 million to $70 million, on top of the $426 million already projected. (12/10/2008)
Governor Tim Pawlenty and Minnesota legislative leaders face an historic budget situation. They need to agree on measures that will fix a $5.2 million shortfall for the current and coming bienniums. (Midday, 12/09/2008)
State lawmakers are searching for solutions to a projected state budget deficit of $5.2 billion. They are facing both short-term and long-term cuts to address shortfalls in the current and coming bienniums. (Midday, 12/08/2008)
The state's budget crisis will hurt cities that depend heavily on local government aid and some cities may feel the pain sooner as well as later. (12/05/2008)
A list of about $700 million in unspent state money will be a target for lawmakers and Gov. Tim Pawlenty as they search for $426 million in budget cuts. Democratic leaders are pushing for a public process involving legislative hearings before deciding what to cut. (12/05/2008)
Governor Pawlenty and DFL legislative leaders are scheduled to have breakfast this morning to talk about the state budget. Finance officials announced yesterday that Minnesota is facing a projected $5.2 billion budget shortfall over the next 2 1/2 years. (12/05/2008)
Of all the people keeping a worried eye on the projected state budget shortfall, environmental advocates are probably a little less worried than most. That's because of the historic vote in November for a new sales tax to boost investments in Minnesota's natural resources. (12/05/2008)
As state lawmakers start looking at ways to plug the $5.2 billion dollar deficit announced Thursday, it's going to be tough to not consider cuts to education. About 40 percent of the state budget goes to K-12 schools and nearly 9 percent funds higher education. (12/05/2008)
The county recently came up with a way to address school drop outs, but that new effort faces the same budget cuts as the rest. (12/05/2008)
Gov. Pawlenty and state lawmakers are warning residents that big spending cuts will be needed to balance a huge state budget shortfall -- $5.27 billion over the next two and a half years. (12/04/2008)

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