Election Coverage from MPR

With the election just over a week away, volunteers for both Senators John McCain and Barack Obama have launched statewide get out the vote efforts. (10/27/2008)
U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum has represented Minnesota's 4th Congressional District, which includes St. Paul and some surrounding suburbs, since 2000. She and her Republican challenger Ed Matthews join Midday for a debate. (Midday, 10/27/2008)
The three candidates running to represent Minnesota's 3rd Congressional District have their seventh and final debate today on MPR's Midday program. The race unfolding in the Minneapolis suburbs is one of the most competitive and most expensive in the country. (10/26/2008)
A new survey by the non-partisan group Take Action Minnesota shows that the state's Hmong voters are most concerned about domestic issues this election year. (10/25/2008)
The leading candidates for Minnesota's U.S. Senate seat colored their statewide televised debate with spirited give-and-take over tax cuts, guns and partisanship. (10/24/2008)
Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann is taking a softer tone in a new TV ad after a week of hard knocks for questioning Barack Obama's views on America. (10/24/2008)


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