Election Coverage from MPR

About two dozen students at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul protested the school's decision to deny political speakers a chance to appear on campus. (10/27/2008)
The ATF says it has broken up a plot to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, and to kill 88 black people in a Tennessee murder spree. (10/27/2008)
With eight days to go until the election, the candidates for Minnesota's 3rd Congressional District held their last debate today on Minnesota Public Radio's Midday program. (10/27/2008)
National Republicans are attacking Democrat Al Franken in a new pamphlet that looks like a comic book but discusses pornography and rape. (10/27/2008)
Political analysts join Midday to discuss all the latest news in national and Minnesota politics. (Midday, 10/27/2008)
With the retirement of U.S. Rep. Jim Ramstad, three challengers seek to fill his seat: Republican Erik Paulsen, DFLer Ashwin Madia and Independence Party candidate David Dillon. All three candidates stop by Midday's studio to discuss key issues in their race for Congress. (Midday, 10/27/2008)


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