Election Coverage from MPR

Fred Thompson is expected to announce his candidacy for the Republican nomination for president this week. Meanwhile, some Democratic candidates are threatening to bypass the states that move primaries up ahead of Iowa and New Hampshire. (Midmorning, 09/05/2007)
Members of a self-described anarchist group spent Labor Day weekend outlining protest plans. (09/03/2007)
It's not an election year, but the race for U.S. Senate is going strong at the Minnesota State Fair. (08/30/2007)
Minnesota native Peter Agre, a professor at Duke University, spent the summer assessing his chances in the Senate race. He concluded that it wasn't worth the personal and professional cost. (08/29/2007)
Minnesota has held caucuses in March since 1991, but leaders of the two parties feared their respective nominees would be chosen well before then. (08/28/2007)
The Tennessee Republican told several supporters that he will make his announce his plans soon. That's not soon enough for those in the Democratic Party who say Thompson is using a loophole in campaign finance laws by raising money without being held accountable as an official candidate. (08/27/2007)


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