Election Coverage from MPR

The Republican presidential candidates have their eighth debate Tuesday, the first one to include former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson. Democrats have many more debates ahead of them, too. Is the campaign and all the coverage of it giving voters a good sense of the differences between the candidates? (Midday, 10/08/2007)
Three Democrats who hope to take on Republican U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman next year came together Friday to talk about the issues. Mike Ciresi, Jim Cohen and Al Franken talked about the war in Iraq, health care, taxes and other issues. (10/05/2007)
Campaign cash is piling up for the leading presidential candidates. In the latest fundraising reporting, top Democrats Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have raised more than double the cash of their Republican counterparts. (Midmorning, 10/05/2007)
Steve Sarvi served 16 months in Iraq with the Minnesota National Guard, returning home this July. He's a former Watertown mayor who now works as city administrator in Victoria. (10/04/2007)
Minnesota lawmakers say they're hopeful an Army review will lead to greater educational benefits for members of the Minnesota National Guard who served in Iraq. But just in case, Rep. John Kline introduced legislation that would resolve the problem. (10/04/2007)
Republican presidential candidates are spending time trying to reassure Christian conservatives that they will remember them after the election. Meanwhile, studies suggest business leaders are questioning whether the party has fundamentally changed. (Midmorning, 10/04/2007)


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