Election Coverage from MPR

Some high-profile Minnesota Republicans are feeling low this afternoon with the news that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is dropping out the presidential race. (02/07/2008)
Republican Mitt Romney has ended his campaign for the presidency. That leaves John McCain as the clear front-runner for the Republican nomination, with Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul still in the race. Midday analyzes the impact on the campaign from here on out. (Midday, 02/07/2008)
John McCain effectively sealed the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday as chief rival Mitt Romney suspended his faltering presidential campaign. (02/07/2008)
Over 300,000 Minnesotans headed to caucuses all across the state on Super Tuesday; many struggled in heavy traffic and crowded parking lots. The question some Minnesotans are asking now is should Minnesota drop the caucus system for presidential primary elections? (Midday, 02/07/2008)
There's one question that's still not answered after Tuesday night's Minnesota caucuses: How many delegates will each presidential candidate get? (02/06/2008)
Many first-time caucus-goers left their neighborhood meetings energized, others were turned off by a system they view as unorganized and unfair. (02/06/2008)


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