Election Coverage from MPR

Republican Norm Coleman could be in for the race of his political life this fall as he seeks a second term in the U.S. Senate. (03/03/2008)
Two more Minnesota Democrats who hold the title of superdelegate are swinging Barack Obama's way. (02/29/2008)
Republican Sen. Norm Coleman's re-election campaign is apologizing to two Minnesota newspapers for two nearly identical letters to the editor that ended up published under two different names. The campaign acknowledges a staffer was behind the letters. (02/27/2008)
Democratic presidential candidates Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama traded blows on health care, NAFTA and campaign trail tactics. Midday airs excerpts of the debate. (Midday, 02/27/2008)
Barack Obama's rivals have criticized his stump speeches for emphasizing sweeping rhetoric over policy specifics. But new research from the University of Minnesota suggests that relative lack of detail may be a savvy marketing ploy. (02/26/2008)
Democratic presidential contenders Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton engaged in a mostly civil debate in the important primary state of Texas. (Midday, 02/22/2008)


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