John McCain

John McCain
Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty Images

Election Coverage from MPR

With the final round of a yearlong campaign approaching, the Republican presidential race grew remarkably bitter during a CNN/YouTube debate Wednesday night, as the top contenders jockeyed for the upper hand -- and sought it by tearing down one another. (Midday, 11/29/2007)
Arizona Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign is struggling, but many of his key supporters in Minnesota remain firmly committed to the candidate. (07/18/2007)
McCain visited Minnesota to raise money at a St. Paul home, where a private reception with him was going for $2,300 a head and general admission was $1,000 per person. (06/22/2007)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty will be in Iowa Monday to campaign on behalf of Republican presidential candidate John McCain. (06/11/2007)

Candidate snapshot

Party: Republican


Date of Birth: 08/29/1936

Place of Birth: Panama

Education: United States Naval Academy

Religion: Baptist


Official campaign site



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