John McCain

John McCain
Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty Images

Election Coverage from MPR

Republican presidential candidates John McCain, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul appeared in California to debate the issues with less than a week to go before Super Tuesday. (Midday, 01/31/2008)
With just five days until Minnesota's precinct caucuses, a new MPR poll shows Republican John McCain and Democrat Hillary Clinton leading in the race for president. (01/31/2008)
Sen. John McCain won a breakthrough triumph in the Florida Republican primary Tuesday night, edging past former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and seizing precious campaign momentum for next week's string of contests across 21 states. (01/29/2008)
Mitt Romney says his economic know-how should make him the choice of Republicans in Florida on Tuesday. (01/27/2008)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty is in Florida this weekend to campaign on behalf of Republican presidential candidate John McCain. (01/25/2008)
The Obama campaign starts running ads as the Clinton campaign names new Minnesota supporters. (01/24/2008)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty is back in Minnesota Monday, touring the state trying to build support for his 2008 bonding bill proposal. Over the weekend, Gov. Pawlenty criss-crossed the state of Michigan to build support for presidential hopeful John McCain. (01/13/2008)
Minnesota is getting a dose of presidential politicking in the wake of the New Hampshire primary -- at the surrogate level at least. (01/09/2008)
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty is touring New Hampshire this weekend, lending his support to Republican presidential hopeful John McCain. (12/29/2007)
Presidential candidates are spending a lot of time trying to win more voters as the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary get closer. In the second of a two-part series of stump speeches in Iowa and New Hampshire, the Republican candidates have their say. (Midday, 12/26/2007)

Candidate snapshot

Party: Republican


Date of Birth: 08/29/1936

Place of Birth: Panama

Education: United States Naval Academy

Religion: Baptist


Official campaign site



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