Barack Obama

Barack Obama

Election Coverage from MPR

Issues and acrimony -- and even a few boos from the audience during the latest debate between Democratic presidential rivals Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards. (01/21/2008)
You have to wonder what Martin Luther King would say. Forty years after Dr. King's death, for the first time, a black man has a real shot at the White House. What does Barack Obama's candidacy mean to African-Americans in Minnesota? (01/21/2008)
Minnesota is getting a dose of presidential politicking in the wake of the New Hampshire primary -- at the surrogate level at least. (01/09/2008)
The candidates have been spending a lot of time in Iowa and New Hampshire before voters make their presidential picks. In the first of a two-part series, here are excerpts of speeches Democratic candidates have made in both states as they attempt to win over voters. (Midday, 12/26/2007)
The Democratic presidential hopeful recently reported raising $32.5 million over three months, a staggering haul that shifted focus from the question of whether the 45-year-old political phenom is ready for prime time. (07/09/2007)
Organizers estimated 3,000 people paid between $15 and $25 for rally at a warehouse-turned-office building and they were counting on a couple hundred at a private reception for larger donors. (06/30/2007)

Candidate snapshot

Party: Democrat


Date of Birth: 08/04/1961

Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii

Education: JD, Harvard Law School, 1991
BA, Columbia University, 1983
Attended Occidental College

Religion: United Church of Christ


Official campaign site



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