Barack Obama

Barack Obama

Election Coverage from MPR

Large crowds began to form early at the Xcel Center in hope of getting into tonight's Barack Obama rally. Media from across the nation gathered to carry the speech in anticipation of Obama declaring victory tonight after the S.D. and Montana primaries close. (06/03/2008)
The Democratic presidential hopefuls continue to blanket the state of South Dakota Monday in the last day of campaigning before Tuesday's primary. (06/02/2008)
Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama is coming back to Minnesota. (05/30/2008)
Barack Obama stands at the brink of victory in the Democratic presidential race. (05/20/2008)
Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama made his first stop in South Dakota Friday. (05/16/2008)
Democrat John Edwards is endorsing former rival Barack Obama, fresh signs of the party establishment embracing the likely nominee even as Hillary Rodham Clinton refuses to abandon her increasingly long-shot candidacy. (05/14/2008)
Hillary Rodham Clinton coasted to a large but largely symbolic victory in working-class West Virginia on Tuesday, handing Barack Obama one of the worst defeats of the campaign yet scarcely slowing his march toward the Democratic presidential nomination. (05/13/2008)
The last uncommitted Minnesota superdelegate is hinting he will support Barack Obama for president. (05/13/2008)
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama won a decisive victory in North Carolina, while Hillary Clinton won Indiana on a thin margin. Midday explores what the results mean as the campaigns get ready for the next primary elections in Nebraska and West Virginia. (Midday, 05/07/2008)
Barack Obama swept to a convincing victory in the North Carolina primary Tuesday night and declared he was closing in on the Democratic presidential nomination. Hillary Rodham Clinton eked out a win in Indiana as she struggled to halt her rival's march into history. (05/06/2008)

Candidate snapshot

Party: Democrat


Date of Birth: 08/04/1961

Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii

Education: JD, Harvard Law School, 1991
BA, Columbia University, 1983
Attended Occidental College

Religion: United Church of Christ


Official campaign site



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