Barack Obama

Barack Obama

Election Coverage from MPR

Barack Obama's rivals have criticized his stump speeches for emphasizing sweeping rhetoric over policy specifics. But new research from the University of Minnesota suggests that relative lack of detail may be a savvy marketing ploy. (02/26/2008)
Democratic presidential contenders Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton engaged in a mostly civil debate in the important primary state of Texas. (Midday, 02/22/2008)
Barack Obama won the Wisconsin primary Tuesday night, his ninth straight triumph over a fading Hillary Rodham Clinton in their epic struggle for the Democratic presidential nomination. (02/19/2008)
Four of the presidential candidates are campaigning in Wisconsin today just one day before that state's presidential primary. (02/18/2008)
Democrats Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are crisscrossing Wisconsin this weekend with the hopes of convincing voters to choose them in Tuesday's primary. (02/16/2008)
Barack Obama defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton in Maine presidential caucuses Sunday, grabbing a majority of delegates as the state's Democrats overlooked the snowy weather and turned out in heavy numbers for municipal gatherings. (02/10/2008)
Democrat Barack Obama won Minnesota's caucuses by a 2-1 margin over Hillary Clinton, but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll get twice as many delegates. Mitt Romney won the GOP straw poll, but the results are are nothing more than a beauty contest. (02/06/2008)
Sen. John McCain seized command of the race for the Republican presidential nomination early Wednesday. Democratic rivals Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama traded victories in an epic struggle with no end in sight. (02/05/2008)
Barack Obama rode his appeal to younger voters to victory in Minnesota's caucuses, swamping Hillary Clinton in a Super Tuesday win built on strong support in the state's college towns. (02/05/2008)
As the candidates travel the country in anticipation of Super Tuesday, the real work is behind the scenes. That's where the campaigns are working furiously to get out the vote. (02/04/2008)

Candidate snapshot

Party: Democrat


Date of Birth: 08/04/1961

Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii

Education: JD, Harvard Law School, 1991
BA, Columbia University, 1983
Attended Occidental College

Religion: United Church of Christ


Official campaign site



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