Election Coverage from MPR

The presidential candidates have released one last flurry of ads to sway voters before election day. Midmorning looks at what's true, what's false, and what messages have worked. (Midmorning, 11/03/2008)
Midmorning asks what a well-informed citizen should know about America while preparing to vote, and whether, as some have suggested, such civics knowledge should serve as a prerequisite to casting a ballot. (Midmorning, 11/03/2008)
Barack Obama and John McCain uncorked massive get-out-the-vote operations in more than a dozen battleground states Sunday. (11/02/2008)
U.S. Senate candidates Dean Barkley, Norm Coleman and Al Franken met for a fifth and final debate Sunday night at the Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul. (11/02/2008)
Months of tension between U.S. Senate candidates Norm Coleman and Al Franken spilled out in their last debate with the Republican and Democrat trading heated accusations about the allegations against Coleman in a lawsuit. (11/02/2008)
The three major party candidates for U.S. Senate will meet in their final debate tonight at the Fitzgerald Theater in downtown St. Paul. (11/01/2008)


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