Election Coverage from MPR

The fundraising numbers for the first quarter of the year are in, and Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, and Mitt Romney are setting new records. Midmorning looks at who's winning the money race. (Midmorning, 04/06/2007)
Congress is considering legislation that would make it easier for employees to express their religious beliefs at work. (04/02/2007)
Elizabeth Edwards says now she knows how Lance Armstrong feels. In a speech Monday at the City Club Forum in Cleveland, the wife of presidential candidate John Edwards said she has been awed by the support she has received since announcing Thursday that her cancer had returned but her husband's campaign would continue. (Midday, 03/27/2007)
Pawlenty is the co-chair of McCain's presidential exploratory committee and says he made the trip to give McCain encouragement. Pawlenty's latest trip increases speculation and criticism over his national ambitions. (03/15/2007)
There are still 10 months before the first votes are cast in the caucuses and primaries of the 2008 presidential election, and the Democratic and Republican fields are crowded. With several states voting earlier and the potential of more money in the game than ever before, how will this election be different? (Midday, 03/13/2007)
Conservatives, particularly religious ones, are wondering which presidential candidate to back among a field that seems much more moderate than they'd like. Republican analysts size up the prospects. (Midmorning, 03/07/2007)


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