Election Coverage from MPR

By law, a law co-sponsored by presidential candidate John McCain, the most you can give a presidential candidate this year is $4,600. But by partnering with the Republican Party, McCain is able to ask Minnesotans to give as much as $50,000 at a fundraiser in Minneapolis on Thursday. (06/19/2008)
From Polinaut blog: U.S. Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign today announced that McCain will participate in his second 2008 presidential town hall meeting in St. Paul on Thursday, June 19th, at 7 p.m. (06/18/2008)
Norm Ornstein, leading political analyst and co-author of "The Broken Branch: How Congress is Failing America and How to Get It Back on Track," joins Midday to discuss Congress and presidential politics. (Midday, 06/18/2008)
Pollsters found in a Senate race between Republican Norm Coleman and DFLer Al Franken, Coleman would win 52 percent to 40 percent. (06/17/2008)
Republicans aren't alone in facing protests during their national convention. Protesters in Colorado have sued Denver over protest routes during the Democratic National Convention in August. (06/17/2008)
DFL U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken is calling for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq in his latest TV ad. (06/16/2008)


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