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The prescription drug wars
Elected leaders from every level of government and seven states, including Minnesota, gathered Tuesday to add fuel to what they believe is a growing national crusade to make lower-cost Canadian drugs available to American citizens. We hear President Bush's announcement about medicare and prescription drugs, and then discuss the state's plan to make it easier for people to get prescription drugs from Canada.
McCollum's view of Iraq
Rep. Betty McCollum, DFL-Minn., has returned from a trip to Iraq. During her visit, a wave of coordinated attacks took place, some targeting the Red Cross headquarters in Baghdad, killing more than 35 people. She also visited Mosul, in northern Iraq, where she and other members of her delegation with the House International Relations committee met with members of the 101st Airborne Division. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer spoke with McCollum.
How to put the public back into policy
Disenchanted voters, declining participation in civic organizations hits Minnesota too, despite the state's reputation for clean politics and engaged institutions. The recently appointed director of the Citizen's League shares ideas for revitalizing public dialogue.
The impact of third party candidates
We discuss the potential impact of third-party candidates in the 2004 elections with professor Lawrence Jacobs. He discusses his 2004 Election Project at the Humphrey Institute.
Judge hears challenge to Minnesota campaign finance laws
An anti-abortion group asked a federal judge Tuesday to overturn Minnesota laws restricting some campaign contributions while the state's top lawyer argued that they make elections cleaner and more competitive.
Presidential candidates profiles: Health care
Health care looms as a major issue in the presidential campaign of 2004. How do the Democratic candidates stack up against President George W. Bush when it comes to health care proposals?
Al Franken talks about media and the right
Al Franken has become the liberal answer to conservative pundits. The former Saturday Night Live writer talks about politics and entertainment.
Kucinich rallies Minnesota forces
Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich brought his presidential campaign kick-off tour to Minneapolis on Tuesday night. About 2,000 supporters gathered at Roosevelt High School, one of 12 stops Kucinich scheduled over three days. Kucinich supporters say their candidate is the only presidential contender who truly represents a change from George W. Bush.
Democratic insiders taunt newcomer Clark in presidential debate
Washington insiders seeking the presidency gave Wesley Clark a rough welcome to the Democratic race, dismissing the insurgent outsider's 11th-hour allegiance to the party and assailing his indecisiveness on the Iraq war.
State GOP boss indicted on alleged campaign violations; others wait for next shoe to drop
State Republican officials have acknowledged that party chair Ron Eibensteiner has been indicted on charges he violated campaign finance rules. The Mower County attorney has been investigating campaign donations made by a Florida-based insurance company during last year's gubernatorial contest. Eibensteiner has denied any wrongdoing.
Carol Moseley Braun announces her candidacy for president
Democrat Carol Moseley Braun, the only black woman to serve in the U.S. Senate, formally declared her candidacy for president Monday, forging ahead with a long-shot bid in an otherwise all-male contest for the White House.
More Democrats join race for president
Friday's Week in Review covers the national political stories as well as the local, including the official entrance of two more Democrats in the presidential candidate field and negotiations on state employees' contracts.
Clark joins crowded Democratic presidential race
Retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark entered a crowded and wide-open race for the Democratic presidential nomination on Wednesday. "We're going to run a campaign that will move this country forward not back," Clark said, promising to "talk straight to the American people."
Sen. Edwards formally announces presidential bid by highlighting working-class roots
Democrat John Edwards, the Southern moderate looking to reinvigorate his lagging presidential campaign, formally launched his candidacy Tuesday and promised to be an advocate for working-class Americans.
The race for President
With President Bush's poll numbers dropping, many of his fellow Republicans are uneasy about the state of the U.S. economy, rising budget deficits, and the U.S. military operation in Iraq. Meanwhile, Democratic presidential contender Richard Gephardt launched his sharpest attack on rival Howard Dean Friday, likening his views on Medicare to past efforts led by Republican Newt Gingrich to cut the health care program for seniors. We discuss Presidential politics and other national political issues.

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