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Spouses on the campaign trail
As the campaign progresses, Democratic candidates' wives are receiving more attention from the media. As in years past, one observer says, first ladies and the women who hope to succeed them are expected to drop careers to be hostesses.
New Hampshire primary
A preview of Tuesday's New Hampshire presidential primary. The candidates are making the most of Monday, in the final day before the primary. Among the Democrats, John Kerry and Howard Dean are leading the pack in some polls. But polls also show eight to 15 percent of likely voters are undecided -- and many others could change their minds.
The benefits of negative ads
Vanderbilt University professor John Geer has analyzed presidential campaign ads for many years--he says they are not only effective, but improve the quality of information available to voters. His new book is Attacking Democracy: A Defense of Negativity in Presidential Campaigns, 1960-2000. Geer is in town to speak at the University of Minnesota's Hubert H. Humphrey Institute.
State of the Union
An analysis of President Bush's State of the Union address.
Political coverage of the candidates
We've heard a lot about polls in the last several weeks, and we're likely to hear more as the primaries grind on. Media coverage can shape campaigns, but are we learning all we could about the candidates?
Minnesota congressional reaction to the State of the Union
Both Democrats and Republicans are reacting to the president's State of the Union address. In a nationally televised speech, Bush outlined his domestic priorities for the country and called on Americans to stand behind him in the war on terror. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer spoke with two members of Minnesota's congressional delegation -- Republican John Kline and Democrat Betty McCollum.
Gephardt quits presidential race
Dick Gephardt, the former House Democratic leader and 14-term congressman, said Tuesday he was abandoning his second bid for the presidency after a poor, fourth-place showing in the Iowa caucuses.
The campaign of Wesley Clark
Host Gary Eichten and his guest discuss democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark's campaign, and how he'll fare in the New Hampshire primary. After sitting out Iowa, both Joe Lieberman and Clark, a retired general, will get their first taste of primary combat next week in New Hampshire.
The Iowa caucuses: results and analysis
After the blizzard of ads, the blanketing of the state by most of the Democratic candidates, Iowans caucused and made their choices. What's next for the following important primary, New Hampshire.
Kerry shakes up race and staggers Dean with decisive win in Iowa
Democratic presidential candidates vied for victory Monday across the chilly precincts of Iowa, the first step in the battle to face President Bush this fall. John Kerry was leading in preliminary results of an Associated Press survey of Iowa Democrats taken as they entered the caucus sites.
Practicing politics at an Iowa caucus
More than 100 people crammed Decorah's City Council chambers Monday night to participate in the Iowa Democratic caucus. For this precinct, in a small northeastern Iowa college town, it was the best-attended caucus in recent memory.
The Iowa caucus
Democratic presidential candidates are making their closing pitches in Iowa before Monday's caucuses. Host Gary Eichten talks with Iowa State University political scientist Jim McCormick and with Minnesota operatives for the four leading Democratic candidates who have been working in Iowa. He also speaks with Midwest George Bush Chairman Vin Weber, who is in Iowa for the caucuses as well.
Variety of issues drive Iowans to caucuses
On Monday, Iowa Democrats will meet in close to 2,000 precinct caucuses around the state. Because Iowa gets to go first, some political observers say the views of Iowa residents play a disproportionate role in choosing a candidate for president. But the issues Iowans are concerned about --the war in Iraq, jobs, and education-- are the same ones on the minds of many Minnesotans and other Americans.
Braun quits presidential race, backs Dean
Former Illinois Sen. Carol Moseley Braun dropped out of the presidential race Thursday and endorsed Howard Dean as "a Democrat we can all be proud to support." Braun, the only woman and one of two African-Americans in the race, left the field four days ahead of the Iowa caucuses. Her departure left eight men vying for the Democratic nomination to challenge President Bush this fall.
Upper midwest to be "battleground" in 2004 race
Minnesota and the other upper midwestern states are destined to be a battleground in the 2004 presidential race. A panel discussion at the new Center for the Study of Politics featured Norman Ornstein, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, Vin Weber, midwest chair of the Bush re-election campaign, Tim Penny, 2002 Independence Party candidate for governor of Minnesota, and Ted Mondale, Minnesota state coordinator for the Howard Dean campaign.

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