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John Edwards on foreign policy and the 2004 election
Democractic presidential candidate, Sen. John Edwards, D-NC, speaking at the Commonwealth Club of California. He discusses the Bush administration's foreign policy and the type of leader he says the United States needs in 2004.
Howard Dean on foreign relations and national security
Monday's major foreign policy address by the leading Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean. He spoke to the Pacific Council in Los Angeles, California.
Kennedy on toll roads and current events
Rep. Mark Kennedy, R-Minn. talks about his proposal to ease traffic congestion with toll roads, and other issues facing Congress. He also takes listener questions.
Rivals gang up on Dean, Gore in debate dominated by endorsement
Eight of the Democratic presidential candidates ganged up on front-runner Howard Dean and former Vice President Al Gore, hoping to take the luster off Gore's newly minted endorsement of Dean.
Local political leaders selecting presidential favorites
The 2004 presidential election is still 11 months away, but the presidential campaign is well underway in Minnesota. Three Democratic candidates recently kicked off their Minnesota campaigns, and some are mobilizing Minnesotans to travel to Iowa in advance of next month's caucuses. Meantime, Republicans are working to sign up a record number of Minnesota volunteers for President George W. Bush's re-election campaign.
The 2004 race for president
President Bush is stepping up the pace this week, packing in four sessions with wealthy Republican donors in as many states. Meanwhile, Democratic presidential candidates are building their paid staffs and paying frequent visits to Wisconsin, before the Wisconsin primary in two months.
Bush TV ad answers criticism over Iraq
Democrats are reacting strongly to an ad running in the crucial early election state of Iowa that talks about Bush's stand on the war on terrorism and Iraq. The ad, sponsored by the Republican National Committee, signals a strategy for addressing criticism of the administration's efforts in the Middle East.
Gephardt, Kerry take shots at Dean policies on health care in Democratic debate
Rep. Dick Gephardt and Democratic rival Howard Dean intensified their war of words on Monday, attacking each others' records in the latest in a series of Democratic debates.
Investing in hometown America
Mayor John DeStefano's speech before the National Press Club focuses on the theme of "Investing in Hometown America - A Key Issue for the 2004 Elections," with the needs of working families as a key element. He outlines the critical issues related to investing in America's future and argues that the 2004 elections must focus on rebuilding economic security through investments in the physical and social infrastructure of America's hometowns and local economies.
Clark stumps in Upper Midwest
Democratic presidential hopeful Wesley Clark was in the Twin Cities this weekend to raise money for his campaign. Clark is one of nine candidates seeking the Democratic nomination. Observers say coming to Minnesota when most candidates are stumping for the nation's first primary in New Hampshire, sends a signal Clark is in the campaign for the long haul.
Dean forgoes federal campaign financing
Howard Dean says he can run his presidential campaign more effectively without public financing. He's the first Democratic contender to say that -- but will he be the last? What does his decision mean for the campaign finance reform movement and political campaigns in the future?
Who is Howard Dean?
In a major boost to his campaign, Democrat Howard Dean is getting a prized presidential endorsement from one of the nation's largest unions. The endorsement by the Service Employees International Union, which has 1.6 million members, is to be announced Thursday. Also, under pressure from friends and foes alike, Dean apologized for urging Democrats to court Southern whites who display Confederate flags on their pickup trucks. We discuss Dean's campaign and message.
Dean regrets pain of Confederate flag remark
Howard Dean said Wednesday he regretted the pain he caused by saying that the Democratic Party must court Southerners who display the symbol of the Confederacy in their pickup trucks.
Mondale and Boschwitz ponder presidential politics
The presidential election is just a year away, and Democrats and Republicans are saying Minnesota is a toss-up. Former Vice President Walter Mondale says he thinks Americans are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the Republican leadership in Washington. Former Republican Sen. Rudy Boschwitz says President Bush is vulnerable now; but Boschwitz says a year is a long time, and he's predicting the issues will break in Bush's favor.
Rep. McCollum back from Iraq
Congresswoman Betty McCollum recently returned from a three-day fact-finding trip to Iraq, amidst a wave of violence in Baghdad. McCollum says there is an opportunity for democracy, stability and economic prosperity for Iraq. She says military leaders report some successes, but she says they tell her sometimes it feels like two steps forward and one step back. We talk with her about her trip.

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