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Kerry tries to repel Bush in Minnesota
Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic candidate for president, is due in Twin Cities Monday evening for series of fundraisers at the Minneapolis Convention Center. His visit comes on the heels of one by President Bush, in a state that appears to be a swing state in the November election.
Kennedy has company in the 6th District
Patty Wetterling, an advocate for missing and exploited children, is a DFL candidate in Minnesota 6th District. Wetterling's campaign says she filed the necessary paperwork with the Federal Election Commission and will start raising money right away. Wetterling is one of several candidates who will be seeking the Democratic nomination to run in the 6th District. Whoever wins the nomination will face Republican incumbent Mark Kennedy.
Wetterling mulling run for Congress
Patty Wetterling is thinking about running for Congress this fall to oust Republican Mark Kennedy. Wetterling is nationally known for the way she responded to the 1989 abduction of her son Jacob who's still missing. She helped create the Jacob Wetterling Foundation to push child safety issues at the state capitol, and in Washington, D.C. The DFL party has been recruiting her for the past couple of weeks to run in the Sixth Congressional District which stretches from the suburbs of the Twin Cities, up to St. Cloud. If she does decide to run, she will have to secure the DFL endorsement before a possible matchup against Kennedy. At least one other DFLer, Ted Thompson, has already announced his intention to get the DFL endorsement. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer spoke with Patty Wetterling.
Community colleges hope for results from Bush visit
President Bush left Minneapolis Monday after raising $1 million at a private fundraiser and giving a policy speech to a national education group. Many who attended the annual convention of the American Association of Community Colleges in Minneapolis Monday, say they are grateful for the president's recognition of the education and job training programs offered by the country's nearly 1,200 community colleges.
Bush came, spoke and raised money
President Bush raised $1 million on a swing through Minnesota Monday. Bush appeared at an invitation-only fundraiser at the Edina home of real estate developer David Frauenshuh. The president also addressed the American Association of Community Colleges, calling for new investments in high-tech innovation.
'Face off' over the presidential campaign
The University of St. Thomas hosted a "Face-off" debate last Thursday about the war in Iraq and the presidential campaign. A conservative and a liberal political writer debated those issues.
The government's role in stimulating the economy
President Bush visited Minneapolis Monday to talk about jobs and the economy. His comments raise questions about what the government's role should be in stimulating the economy and creating jobs.
Bush seeks support in closely contested states
Both Republicans and Democrats are hitting the economy and jobs, particularly in slow growth areas of the Midwest. Bush is hoping to take advantage of recent good news indicating an upturn in some manufacturing, while putative Democratic challenger John Kerry points to lack of new jobs and outsourcing.
Bush campaigns in Minnesota
President George Bush is expected to talk about jobs and education in his address to the American Association of Community Colleges meeting in Minneapolis. Prior to live coverage of his speech, analysis of the presidential campaign so far.
Presidential politics
President Bush and his challenger Senator John Kerry are both coming to Minneapolis. Host Gary Eichten and his guest talk about presidential politics and Minnesota's role in the 2004 election.
A conversation about corporate responsibility
A discussion about corporate responsibility between Ralph Nader, consumer advocate and presidential candidate, and University of Minnesota business ethics professor, Ian Maitland, who has examined the recent state of corporate accounting scandals.
Ralph Nader visits Rochester
Presidential candidate and consumer safety advocate Ralph Nader was in Rochester Tuesday to discuss corporate responsibility. It's been nearly 40 years since Nader's book "Unsafe At Any Speed" prompted reforms in the auto industry. Since then Nader's segued into politics. In 2000, he was the Green Party's presidential candidate and gained more than 2 percent of the popular vote. Now despite an outcry from both major parties, Nader's decided to run again for the White House again.
War in Iraq and terrorism shape the presidential campaign
President Bush tried to build up flagging voter support for occupation in Iraq, as Democratic front-runner John Kerry criticized the current administration's military strategy and unilateralism. Iraq and terrorism are expected to shape the political campaign in the months to come.
Picking the right Vice President
Now that the tops of the national tickets for Republican and Democratic parties are nearly set, attention is turning to the number two spot on the November ballot. A look at the present contenders for this inceasingly influential part of the executive branch.
Rep. John Kline discusses the violence in Iraq
Another U.S. Marine has been killed in the Iraqi city of Fallujah. Meantime, Shiite Muslim militias now have at least partial control over three southern Iraqi cities. What should the U.S.-led coalition do to end the violence?

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