

  • Minnesota isn't alone when it comes to budget crises
    With a $3 billion deficit, Minnesota faces a budget predicament common among the nation's states.May 13, 2010
  • Lawmakers hammer out details, but no budget deal yet
    Gov. Pawlenty and Legislative leaders don't have a budget deal yet, but they could be setting up the framework for a solution. Pawlenty insists he won't support a tax increase so Democrats are saying he needs to give up something in return.May 13, 2010
  • Tax increase would affect 7 percent of small business owners
    There are about a half-million businesses in Minnesota from which income passes through to the owner's personal taxes. About 7 percent of these would be affected by a proposed new tax bracket, according to the Minnesota Department of Revenue.May 13, 2010
  • Former Gov. Arne Carlson: Pawlenty lacks leadership
    Former Republican governor Arne Carlson railed against Gov. Tim Pawlenty's handling of the state's budget crisis in remarks made Wednesday.May 12, 2010
  • Former Gov. Quie reflects on budget negotiations
    MPR's Cathy Wurzer spoke with former Minn. Gov. Al Quie on Wednesday about the budget problems he dealt with in the '80s and about his take on the current negotiations. Below is an edited transcript of their conversation.May 12, 2010
  • Budget talks edge forward as end of session nears
    After several closed-door meetings with Gov. Tim Pawlenty at the Capitol on Tuesday, Democrats and Republicans will continue negotiations today to solve the state's nearly $3 billion budget problem.May 12, 2010
  • Counting down the final days of the 2010 legislative session
    The Minnesota Legislature is in the final days of its 2010 session and time is running out for lawmakers to solve the state's budget crisis. Minnesota Public Radio is following the ongoing budget story as it unfolds.May 11, 2010
  • Republican lawmaker reacts to DFL budget plan
    Rep. Laura Brod, R-New Prague, discusses the state budget impasse with Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer.May 11, 2010
  • Pawlenty vetoes state budget bill as session erodes
    Gov. Tim Pawlenty vetoed the state budget bill Tuesday, as the showdown between the DFL-controlled Legislature and the Republican governor continues.May 11, 2010
  • Pawlenty vetoes teacher insurance bill
    Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty has vetoed a bill that would have created a statewide health insurance pool for school employees and teachers.May 10, 2010
  • Could a budget crisis force compromise at the Capitol?
    Officials in both the governor's office and in the Legislature say a court ruling takes Gov. Pawlenty's unilateral power to cut spending off of the table until the governor reaches a deal with the Legislature to balance the budget.May 7, 2010
  • Ruling is blow to Pawlenty's political ambitions
    The Minnesota Supreme Court's decision to reverse some of Gov. Tim Pawlenty's budget cuts is a serious blow to his efforts to fix the state's sagging finances. The ruling may also have crimped his wider political ambitions.May 6, 2010
  • Unallotment ruling complicates state budget
    Minnesota legislators now have to deal with a budget deficit that may soar past $3 billion after recent Minnesota Supreme Court decision. That decision essentially voided a cut of $5.3 million cut made by Governor Tim Pawlenty without the approval of the Legislature. Legislators may have more power in negotiations with the governor, but they also are running out of time to balance a budget before the end of the session.Midmorning, May 6, 2010
  • Divided court cites timing in unallotment decision
    Writing for the majority, Chief Justice Eric Magnuson called Pawlenty's action "unlawful and void." That was the decision's bottom line, but it was far from a clean, unanimous one.May 5, 2010
  • Cities group reacts to unallotment decision
    Among the biggest losers in the unallotment process were Minnesota's cities. The governor cut $192 million in local government aid that the cities would otherwise have received from the state.May 5, 2010

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