

  • Most Minn. Dems ready to reconcile health care reform
    President Barack Obama is pushing Democrats to pass a health care bill in the next few weeks. Some critics view the reconciliation process as an end-run around Republican opposition, but supporters note it's the same one the Bush Administration used to pass tax cuts.March 9, 2010
  • Analysis: Minn. health deal eases rest of session
    Last week's deal between Democratic lawmakers and Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty to preserve a state health care plan for the very poor went beyond providing relief to more than 30,000 people who rely on the program.March 9, 2010
  • Obama to appeal for public support on health care
    With the fate of his signature legislative initiative far from certain, President Barack Obama is taking his last-ditch push for health care reform on the road.March 8, 2010
  • Democratic plans for Minn. budget start emerging
    In bits and pieces, legislative Democrats are beginning to lay out their plans for attacking Minnesota's nearly $1 billion budget deficit.March 7, 2010
  • Costs of insuring the poor shift to hospitals in GAMC fix
    General Assistance Medical Care, which covers some of the state's poorest residents, was scheduled to run out at the end of the month. A new deal keeps coverage in place, but at a cost to hospitals, doctors and dentists.March 6, 2010
  • GAMC deal shifts costs to hospitals, health providers
    GAMC provides health insurance for more than 30,000 of the state's poorest residents. The program was scheduled to end on March 31, after Pawlenty cut its funding last year to balance the state budget. The new plan will extend GAMC for three months.March 5, 2010
  • Abortion coverage dispute divides House Democrats
    On the other side of the obstacle course that President Barack Obama must clear to get his health care overhaul, a final trapdoor is lurking: the divisive politics of abortion.March 5, 2010
  • MN Dems unveil revamped $986M construction bill
    Legislative Democrats are moving ahead with a $986 million construction bill next week even though they don't have a deal with Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty.March 4, 2010
  • MN Dem candidate Bakk: Tax clothing, cut sales tax
    A key legislator says he wants to expand the state sales tax to clothing and use the revenue to reduce the budget deficit and pay off a school funding shift.March 4, 2010
  • Some Dems are wary of Obama's final health push
    Rank-and-file Democrats in Congress remain wary of health care legislation in spite of President Barack Obama's closing argument for overhauling the system, well aware that success is far from assured and political perils abound.March 4, 2010
  • Equal treatment for mental illness
    New rules out this year may help many more with mental illness obtain the treatments they need and have insurance plans pay for them as for any other medical condition. Also, a look at what mental health doctors believe should be done to standardize care.Midmorning, March 4, 2010
  • Lessons learned from St. Paul's pothole patching crew
    MPR reporter Tim Nelson didn't just complain about this years's pothole plague, he joined a public works crew and headed into bituminous battle.March 3, 2010
  • Pawlenty, Republicans meet with DFL on health care solution for poor
    Gov. Pawlenty and Republican legislative leaders say they have a proposal to break the impasse over how to provide health insurance for the poor.March 3, 2010
  • Obama cites GOP ideas in health plan; aims for moderate Democrats
    President Barack Obama is urging Congress to finally push through his massive health care overhaul, freshening it with a handful of Republican ideas in a gesture of bipartisanship but strongly signaling Democrats will go it alone.March 3, 2010
  • Obama to offer amended health care plan
    President Barack Obama is unveiling his revised version of a health care bill at the White House. It's expected to include several Republican proposals.March 3, 2010

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