

  • Cities' reserve funds under pressure
    Minnesota cities with regular bills and salaries to pay typically set aside several months' worth of cash in a fund balance, but those fund balances are now taking a hit because of the recession.October 4, 2010
  • Minn. could still get insurance study grants that Pawlenty nixed
    Pawlenty may not have the last word on whether Minnesota gets the discretionary grant; he is not open to applying for the federal money, but his successor very well could be.September 27, 2010
  • Shorter contracts the trend for union city employees
    Budget uncertainty is leading many Minnesota cities to negotiate one-year contracts with their unionized employees, instead of for longer terms. Neither the unions nor the cities want to lock in agreements that are not going to be financially workable.September 23, 2010
  • Struggling cities turn off street lights to save money
    As the days get shorter, many people might take it for granted that city streetlights will burn longer. But struggling with falling revenues and cuts in state aid, some Minnesota cities are turning off streetlights in selected areas.September 21, 2010
  • City of Duluth claims victory in retiree benefits case
    A Minnesota Court of Appeals affirmed the a district court's ruling from a year ago that the city could drop more than 100 different versions of health plans in favor of putting all retirees on the same plan as current employees.September 21, 2010
  • HMOs wait for details of health care reform's changes
    Leaders of three Minnesota health maintenance organizations agree on one thing: the biggest challenge they face is planning for the law's reforms when the government is still ironing out the details.September 21, 2010
  • Candidates long on budget proposals, short on specifics
    All three major party candidates for governor have been talking a lot about their plans to fix the state's projected $5.8 billion shortfall. But for all they've proposed, each candidate's plan lacks some specific details about how they would solve the state's budget problems.September 21, 2010
  • Extend or expire? Debating the Bush tax cuts
    President Obama wants to extend the Bush-era tax cuts for everyone except the wealthiest 2 percent, but Republicans and some moderate Democrats argue that a tax increase on wealthy Americans will further weaken the economy. Members of both parties know their position on the issue could have an impact in November.Midmorning, September 20, 2010
  • Mayor Rybak releases plan if state aid to Mpls. is cut
    Mayor R.T. Rybak released a plan Thursday that would cut city spending by $18 million. Rybak says the cuts include delaying payments on pension debt.September 16, 2010
  • Emmer says he would cap Minn. spending if elected
    Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer is betting his campaign on whether Minnesotans will accept a state budget for the next two years that cuts spending on higher education, aid to cities and counties and state agencies.September 14, 2010
  • Angst-filled cities look for budget cuts, new ways to do things
    If you're trying to balance a budget in a rural Minnesota city, chances are you have run through all the options. Lay off personnel, check. Increase fees, check. Raise property taxes, check and perhaps re-think.September 14, 2010
  • Minn. collects more taxes than expected in August
    The state's Management and Budget agency said Friday that tax collectors took in nearly $19 million more than projected in August.September 10, 2010
  • Pawlenty: Minnesota 'unlikely' to tap credit line
    Gov. Tim Pawlenty on Thursday downplayed the likelihood that Minnesota would need to borrow money to pay its bills, even as his administration prepares to do just that.September 9, 2010
  • Hennepin keeps tax levy flat; Ramsey raises it 2.7%
    Hennepin and Ramsey County commissioners have voted on their proposed property taxes for the 2011 budget year.September 8, 2010
  • Candidates weigh state's participation in health reform
    While none of the three candidates for governor is calling for the across-the-board rejection of federal health care funding like Gov. Tim Pawlenty they aren't saying the state should accept any and all federal funding either.September 8, 2010

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