

  • Battle over health care reform likely to play out in court
    As long as President Barack Obama wields a White House veto pen, it's unlikely Republicans can succeed in repealing the law health care reform law outright, and that means the battle is likely to play out in the courts.December 20, 2010
  • Hennepin County adopts lean budget
    Hennepin County has cut its budget for the second year in a row. The county board approved its 2011 budget of $1.6 billion at its Tuesday meeting. That's about 5 percent less than the 2010 budget.December 14, 2010
  • No borrowing to pay bills for state -- for now
    A Minnesota Management and Budget official says the state won't have to borrow to pay bills this month, but might have to in a few months.December 14, 2010
  • Health care law offers doughnut hole relief on Jan. 1
    Beginning Jan. 1, Medicare recipients in Minnesota who hit the annual gap in drug coverage known as the "doughnut hole" will be able to buy their name-brand prescription drugs at half price.December 14, 2010
  • MN Chamber says state workers' pay out of line
    The unions representing state workers are blasting a new business-backed study that questions the current compensation of public employees.December 9, 2010
  • For Gov.-elect Mark Dayton, now comes the hard part
    When he takes office next month as Minnesota's governor, Dayton will inherit a $6.2 billion state budget deficit, a 7 percent unemployment rate and concerns that Minnesota's schools are underfunded.December 9, 2010
  • A $6 billion deficit and already little agreement
    The next governor and Legislature are facing a $6.2 billion projected deficit over the coming two years and there are widely varying views on how to fix it.December 3, 2010
  • Minn. delegation seeks to preserve Tricare vets' health program
    Minnesota's congressional delegation is asking Defense Secretary Robert Gates to save a military health system that serves about 1,200 active and retired military personnel and their families in Minnesota.December 2, 2010
  • John Gunyou on state's projected $6.2 billion shortfall
    To get a bit more perspective on today's budget forecast, which projects a $6.2 billion budget shortfall in the 2012-13 fiscal years, we've called John Gunyou, former state finance commissioner under Republican Gov. Arne Carlson.December 2, 2010
  • House votes to extend Bush-era tax cuts -- for middle class only
    Negotiators worked on a deal Thursday that would extend expiring tax cuts for everyone even as House Democrats moved toward a vote to show their commitment to letting taxes on the wealthy go up.December 2, 2010
  • Projected budget deficit in Minn. rises to $6.2 billion in 2012-2013
    The incoming Republican House speaker said tax increases are not part of the solution, but the new DFL Senate minority leader said some new revenue is needed to erase the state's projected deficit.December 2, 2010
  • Cables divulged by WikiLeaks reveal sensitive diplomacy
    Hundreds of thousands of State Department documents leaked Sunday by the online site WikiLeaks revealed a hidden world of backstage international diplomacy, divulging candid comments from world leaders and detailing occasional U.S. pressure tactics aimed at hot spots in Afghanistan, Iran and North Korea.November 28, 2010
  • Rybak: City looking for more cuts to ease property taxes
    Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak said city officials are looking to make more budget cuts that could help bring down property taxes. Many city property owners are upset that their property taxes are going up by 6.5 percent or more.November 19, 2010
  • Americans more likely to skip health care for cost, survey says
    Americans are more likely to go without health care because of cost and report the most disputes with insurance companies compared with consumers surveyed in 11 industrialized nations such as Germany and Switzerland.November 18, 2010
  • IRS: $1.4 million in undelivered Minn. refunds
    The Internal Revenue Service says it has nearly $1.4 million in refund checks that haven't been delivered to Minnesotans because of mailing address errors.November 17, 2010

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