

  • More of Minnesota's lakes and rivers are on "impaired" list
    The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Monday released its updated list of polluted rivers and lakes. Nearly 400 water bodies are added to the "impaired" list because they don't meet clean water standards.December 19, 2005
  • President comments on spying decision
    President Bush defends his decision to allow domestic spying and his policies in the Middle East. He gives what is billed as his final news conference of the year.December 19, 2005
  • Joe Wilson still wants accountability on Iraq intelligence
    Former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, a critic of President Bush's handling of the Iraq war, is in the Twin Cities for a DFL fundraiser Friday. Wilson contradicted the administration's claims that Iraq was obtaining yellow-cake uranium from Niger for use in a possible nuclear weapons program. After Wilson took his criticism public, the identity of his wife, CIA operative Valerie Plame, was leaked to journalists. Wilson spoke with MPR's Tom Crann.December 16, 2005
  • Hennepin County scales back smoking ban
    The Hennepin County commissioners on Tuesday approved an amendment to scale back parts of the smoking they enacted earlier this year. On a 4-3 vote, the commissioners exempted traditional bars from the ban until July 2007.December 13, 2005
  • Where does Sue Ek live?
    Some Minnesota Democrats are questioning whether a Republican candidate for a St. Cloud state house seat actually lives in the district she seeks to represent.December 7, 2005
  • Doctors confused by Medicare drug plan too
    Medicare Part D. The mere mention of the new federal prescription drug plan for seniors has 29 million eligible Americans scratching their heads, poring through brochures, and throwing up their arms in frustration. As it turns out, many health care providers are having the same reaction. Medical analyst Dr. Jon Hallberg spoke with MPR's Tom Crann.December 7, 2005
  • Minneapolis city plan extends shelter hours
    The Minneapolis city council is expected to pass a measure that will allow homeless shelters to stay open all day.December 2, 2005
  • How many jobs lost due to smoking ban?
    Some opponents of the county's current ban on smoking in restaurants, bars and private clubs say the law is responsible for lost revenues and a loss of more than 2,000 jobs. State unemployment numbers don't necessarily support that claim.November 29, 2005
  • Slow progress in plan to hold down health care costs
    A year ago, Gov. Tim Pawlenty rolled out the "Smart Buy Alliance," promising to harness the power of government, business and labor interests to push through improvements in health care and save money. He points to small victories as evidence of progress.November 21, 2005
  • An assessment of the Patriot Act
    House and Senate negotiators have a tentative deal to extend the Patriot Act. The new deal would restrict some FBI subpoena powers and require more justification for getting information about citizens. But most of the existing law's provisions would become permanent. An assessment of the Patriot Act from a former member of Congress.

    12:30: An MPR report on the history of the "Floyd of Rosedale" football trophy, and how it relates to race relations in Minnesota and Iowa.November 17, 2005
  • Will proposed Medicaid cuts hurt or help?
    Minnesota officials are bracing for federal funding cuts and rule changes in Medicaid. The welfare program pays for health care for half a million poor people in Minnesota. The changes are part of the controversial House and Senate budget reconciliation bills.November 16, 2005
  • The smoking ban debate
    Hennepin county is considering easing its smoking ban by allowing some bars and clubs to set their own smoking rules. The move would not affect the bans in Minneapolis, Golden Valley or Bloomington. A look at how the smoking ban is affecting bars and restaurants and why some governments think it's time to rethink anti-smoking laws.November 16, 2005
  • Budget opens another split in GOP
    Dissent within the GOP on the budget and other issues is putting the party's troubles in the spotlight.November 15, 2005
  • Medicare drug plan enrollment begins amid confusion and questions
    Seniors can now register for Medicare's new prescription drug plan. President Bush says the benefit is the greatest advance in health care for seniors since the creation of Medicare 40 years ago. For many seniors, the choices are confusing and frustrating.November 15, 2005
  • Changes in student loan programs at the center of federal budget fight
    A delayed vote on a House budget plan gives hope to student groups and other critics who say the deal would increase the financial burden on those paying for college.November 10, 2005

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