

  • Recent case exposes cracks in fractured mental health system
    A grisly killing in Burnsville early this month has renewed calls for reforming Minnesota's mental health care system. A day after he was denied admission to a hospital, a 23-year-old man diagnosed with depression allegedly decapitated his stepmother. While the incident is isolated and extreme, critics say it illustrates the problems with gaining access to the state's mental health care system.January 20, 2006
  • Trading grain for health insurance
    Cargill is launching a new program that encourages farmers to mix grain sales with health care. Cargill will help farmers pay for their medical bills through health savings accounts, in exchange for their grain contracts.January 19, 2006
  • State begins to tally costs of covering Medicare problems
    The state of Minnesota has extended an emergency order to help pay for drug coverage for elderly and disabled Minnesotans who are not yet covered under the new Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit. State officials are beginning to tally up the costs.January 18, 2006
  • Medical Matchmaker
    A tool enabling people to understand their preferences when it comes to health care plans.January 18, 2006
  • Pawlenty's bonding plan -- how much is enough?
    Gov. Pawlenty is proposing a nearly $900 million package of capital improvement projects around the state. His bonding proposal includes $270 million for state colleges and universities, and $60 million to complete the Northstar commuter rail line.January 17, 2006
  • Politicians turning up the heat over Medicare glitches
    Over the weekend, the state and federal governments took steps to address some of the problems plaguing the new Medicare prescription drug benefit. Among the problems, Minnesotans on low incomes have been unable to afford their medicine because of glitches in the system.January 16, 2006
  • VA secretary checks in on Minnesota vets
    The head of the U.S. Veterans Affairs Department, James Nicholson, is visiting veterans medical centers in the state. In Minneapolis, Nicholson met with patients and toured the Veterans Medical Center, where a redesigned trauma unit is set to open.January 11, 2006
  • Drug plan glitches leave some recipients caught in the middle
    Some poor Minnesotans are unable to fill their prescriptions because of startup glitches in the new Medicare Part D program. The problem is most common among people who should be eligible for both Medicare drug benefits and Medicaid services because of their low income level.January 9, 2006
  • Is it a tobacco fee? Is it a tax? It's up to the judges to decide
    When the state settled its landmark lawsuit against tobacco companies in 1998, it appeared Minnesota's legal battles with the industry were over. But seven years later, the state and tobacco companies are again in court, over the companies' claims that the state is reneging on the terms of its settlement by hiking cigarette prices by 75 cents a pack.January 8, 2006
  • Coleman takes over as mayor of St. Paul
    Chris Coleman was sworn in Tuesday as the new mayor of St. Paul. In his first speech as mayor, Coleman emphasized the city's growing diversity and the need for citizen involvement and cooperation.January 3, 2006
  • Rybak sworn in for second term; calls for investment in Minneapolis' future
    Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak was sworn in for a second term Tuesday morning, and laid out his vision for the city's next four years. That vision includes closing the gap between richer and poorer people, and improving the liveability of all of Minneapolis' neighborhoods.January 3, 2006
  • Lawmakers hear cry for property tax changes
    Many Minnesota homeowners are frustrated that their property taxes will jump by double digits next year. Some hope that anger will pressure legislators to overhaul the system, but a major change appears unlikely to happen next session.December 30, 2005
  • Kelly reflects on political career
    St. Paul Mayor Randy Kelly leaves office next week, after losing his reelection bid to Chris Coleman in the November election. Kelly has held a variety of political offices over the past 30 years, and will look back on the highlights of his career.December 29, 2005
  • In the mayor's chair
    Chris Coleman will be inaugurated Jan. 3, 2006 as St. Paul's 45th mayor.Coleman's family has deep roots in St. Paul and a strong commitment to public service.December 29, 2005
  • Domestic spying and the Patriot Act
    President Bush says he has the right to order domestic spying of suspected terrorists without going through secret courts to protect the public. He also criticized senators who are holding up passage of expiring portions of the Patriot Act.December 20, 2005

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