

  • Will Duluth get a Dylan Boulevard?
    A street in Duluth could get a new name tonight. City councilors will consider adding Bob Dylan's name to a few blocks of London Road.May 22, 2006
  • Smoking costs a lot
    Smokers are trying to find a way to cope with the rising price of cigarettes.May 19, 2006
  • Lawmakers nail down bonding bill, aim to finish on time
    Legislative negotiators struck a deal late Friday on a billion-dollar construction budget, clearing a path to an on-time finish to this year's session. The $1 billion capital bonding bill contains a laundry list of construction projects around Minnesota.May 19, 2006
  • Gophers, Twins stadiums on the verge of final passage
    State lawmakers are expected to vote on two stadium bills Saturday, after House and Senate negotiators have reached agreements on stadium financing plans for the Minnesota Twins and the University of Minnesota. Friday night's deal for an on-campus Gopher football stadium comes at a slightly higher cost than previous proposals, but students would pay less.May 19, 2006
  • Vikings stadium hopes hit dead end
    The Minnesota Twins are one step closer to getting a new ballpark now that the Vikings have all but lost their bid for a new stadium.May 18, 2006
  • Spy games
    As a Senate committee prepares to grill the next candidate for the CIA directorship, Midmorning talks with a CIA insider about the changes in the spy agency.Midmorning, May 16, 2006
  • Rule change could mean lower taxes for Minnesota power companies
    The energy industry pays a lot in property taxes, so residents of power plant towns generally owe less at tax time. But now the state Revenue Department is considering a rule change that could lower the taxes energy companies pay.May 16, 2006
  • Grading Medicare Part D
    The deadline to enroll in Medicare Part D has arrived, yet many seniors remain confused by all the options. Kerri Miller talks with two health care experts about the future of Medicare's prescription drug plan.Midmorning, May 15, 2006
  • Chronic stadium fatigue syndrome
    Negotiations begin in earnest at the state Capitol Friday, as lawmakers decide whether to sign off on stadiums for the Twins and Vikings and how to pay for them. The stadium debate has been going on for nearly a decade. Commentator Craig Bowron, a practicing physician, says as a result, lawmakers are afflicted with a peculiar ailment.May 12, 2006
  • Conference committees challenged to find compromise
    Bills to fund new stadiums for the Twins, Vikings and Gophers are in flux at the Legislature, since the House and Senate have each passed their own versions. They're headed into conference committee, where lawmakers will try to find a compromise. Former DFL House Speaker Dee Long talks with MPR's Cathy Wurzer about the conference committee process.May 11, 2006
  • Health care coverage option for business worries patients, caregivers
    The U.S. Senate votes on a bill this week that would allow health plans to offer stripped-down insurance coverage. The proposal has the support of many business groups. But the American Cancer Society and AARP Minnesota strongly oppose the measure.May 9, 2006
  • Senate passes stadium bills for Twins, Gophers, and Vikings
    The state Senate went on a stadium spending spree Tuesday, agreeing to devote more than $1.1 billion in taxes to new homes for the Twins, Vikings and University of Minnesota football team.May 9, 2006
  • Lawmaker proposes gas tax holiday
    With gas prices at about $2.70 a gallon in Minnesota on Tuesday, a Republican lawmaker is proposing that the state temporarily lift its 20-cents-a-gallon gas tax to help relieve pain at the pump.May 9, 2006
  • Senate passes budget, avoids abortion vote
    The DFL-controlled Minnesota Senate has side-stepped a showdown over abortion by stripping several measures out of its budget bill.May 8, 2006
  • The Rochester Coalition strikes back
    The Rochester Coalition is questioning whether the DM&E Railroad can pay back a $2.5 billion federal loan. But DM&E President Kevin Schieffer says the Coalition doesn't have its facts straight.May 8, 2006

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