

  • Crow Wing County might restrict ATV use
    Crow Wing County may make some road ditches off limits to all terrain vehicles.November 10, 2005
  • A showdown over hard rock mining
    A showdown over mining rock in the Minnesota River Valley is expected to come to a head soon. Environmental groups have sparred with construction interests in the past year over the issue. Environmentalists say the rock mining ruins the beauty of the valley. But construction companies that use the rock say the it's needed to build roads.November 8, 2005
  • Taking an ax to the tax code
    Treasury Secretary John Snow received a report on Tuesday outlining two possible plans to overhaul the Federal tax system. The plans, produced by a bipartisan panel President Bush established in January, would reduce the home mortgage deduction for more expensive houses and do away with both the alternative minimum tax and deductions for state and local taxes. How would the proposals affect Minnesotans if either of them became law?November 2, 2005
  • Bus, rail or what between St. Paul and Minneapolis?
    Long before the Hiawatha light rail line was even a gleam in the eye of Twin Cities transit lovers, there was a more promising route, the Central Corridor between St. Paul and Minneapolis. The question is what should be built there -- bus or rail.October 25, 2005
  • Many at hearing oppose Vikings stadium in Anoka County
    Several hundred people attended a hearing in Ham Lake Tuesday night to speak out against a proposed Anoka County sales tax increase that would build a new stadium for the Minnesota Vikings.October 12, 2005
  • Tobacco companies challenge state's new cigarette tax
    Attorneys for several tobacco companies say the state of Minnesota reneged on its tobacco settlement agreement when it increase the tax on tobacco by 75 cents a pack last July. They brought their arguments to a Ramsey County courtroom Thursday.September 29, 2005
  • Leaders not too thrilled about special session invitation
    Legislative leaders are giving mostly negative reviews to Gov. Pawlenty's conditions for calling a special session. Pawlenty's proposal includes several issues that could come up in a special session, including stadiums.September 28, 2005
  • Pawlenty pumps ethanol
    Governor Pawlenty is challenging other states to boost their ethanol consumption. He told a meeting of the Governors' Ethanol Coalition that the corn-based fuel will reduce the nation's dependence on foreign oil. The group consists of 31 states and five countries that support ethanol. But unlike Minnesota, few of them mandate ethanol use.September 26, 2005
  • Minneapolis unveils new plan for the arts
    The city of Minneapolis has released a new 10-year plan for the arts, which promises to increase funding, help promote the arts, and strengthen arts education.September 22, 2005
  • How do you pay for Katrina?
    There's no consensus among Minnesota's congressional delegation on how to pay for the recovery.September 22, 2005
  • Lots of lots foil transit
    The Twin Cities has a love affair with parking lots, it seems. Thousands of acres are devoted to them. Transit advocates rail against them, saying parking lots are a waste of space. They say Minnesota's property tax system is one factor which encourages the proliferation of lots.September 20, 2005
  • Seeking medical treatment? It pays to have private insurance
    A new study says patients with private health insurance are much more likely to receive timely followup appointments for urgent medical conditions than patients with Medicaid insurance or no insurance.September 13, 2005
  • Smoking ban heats up race for Minneapolis mayor
    The Hennepin County smoking ban is becoming a big issue in the race for Minneapolis mayor. Bar and restaurant owners who feel the ban is hurting their business have helped convince Hennepin County Commissioner Peter McLaughlin to reconsider his support for the ban. McLaughlin is running against Mayor R.T. Rybak. Rybak says campaign contributions from the bar owners appear to have helped change McLaughlin's mind.August 28, 2005
  • State reaches contract deal with its largest unions
    The two largest unions representing state workers reached tentative contract agreements early Friday morning. All sides praise the deals. The came after two years of flat employee wages and a contentious partial state government shutdown earlier this month.July 29, 2005
  • Transportation bill would accelerate Union Depot redevelopment
    St. Paul's hopes of becoming a regional transportation hub would get a boost from the new federal transportation bill. Minnesota would get $241 million dollars for highway and transit projects, $50 million of which would be earmarked for redeveloping downtown's Union Depot. Ramsey County Commissioner Rafael Ortega, a long-time advocate of the Union Depot project, spoke Friday with MPR's Tom Crann.July 29, 2005

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