

  • The 90-second job interview
    Actors from around the region have just 90 seconds to make an impression at the Twin Cities Unified Theater Auditions.March 9, 2009
  • Recovering from a layoff, one step at a time
    Several hundred people in the south central Minnesota community of Hutchinson are trying to figure out how to land their next job. The city's largest employer, Hutchinson Technology Inc., which makes components for computer hard drives, laid off more than one-third of its workforce company-wide at the beginning of this year.March 9, 2009
  • Obama calls latest job losses astounding
    Obama spoke at the graduation ceremony for 25 police recruits who owe their jobs to the $787 billion economic recovery bill he signed into law less than three weeks ago.March 6, 2009
  • Jobless rate bolts to 8.1 percent
    The government says the nation's unemployment rate bolted to 8.1 percent in February, the highest since late 1983, as cost-cutting employers slashed 651,000 jobs.March 6, 2009
  • UAW members begin voting on Ford contract
    Ford and the United Auto Workers are trying to agree on concessions to keep the automaker afloat, after car sales have plunged in recent months.March 5, 2009
  • MnDOT to shore up road over abandoned mine shafts
    The federal stimulus package provides funding for shovel-ready infrastructure projects, and in Minnesota one of those projects involves protecting the public from hazards left over from shoveling long ago.March 2, 2009
  • U of M cuts ties to Russell Athletic over workers rights
    The University of Minnesota has decided to cut its contract with Russell Athletic after allegations of unfair labor practices by the clothing maker.February 27, 2009
  • Health coverage can be either spendy or restricted after a layoff
    If you lose your job, you typically lose your health insurance. There are some insurance options for the unemployed, but they're often pretty hard to get.February 23, 2009
  • Ford reaches deal with auto workers union
    The United Auto Workers union says it has reached a tentative deal with Ford Motor Co. on how the company will fund a trust that will pay retiree health care expenses.February 23, 2009
  • Minnesotans exhausting unemployment benefits in higher numbers
    State officials say 4 out of every 10 Minnesotans receiving jobless benefits will exhaust them and use up every last drop of the 26 weeks they are allotted. That number has shot up during the recession. However, many people qualify for benefit extensions.February 12, 2009
  • Pioneer Press union accepts week-long furloughs
    Union workers at the St. Paul Pioneer Press have agreed to take a week of unpaid time off as the newspaper seeks to cut costs.February 6, 2009
  • Generation Y confronts a lean job market
    After years in which the jobs came easy, 20-somethings and recent college graduates find themselves in one of the worst employment markets in decades. Career coach Lindsey Pollak says that jobs are out there, but job-seekers need to take the extra step to find them.Midmorning, February 4, 2009
  • Staying afloat in a sinking economy
    Career counselor Amy Lindgren of Prototype Career Services will answer listener questions about downsizing, layoffs, pay cuts, job searches and more.Midday, February 2, 2009
  • Duluth braces for LGA cuts
    Duluth officials are trying to come to terms with their most recent budget crisis -- cuts in Local Government Aid announced this week by Governor Pawlenty. Even though the cuts are not as big as once anticipated, city officials say they have little left to cut after struggling to fix the budget last year.January 30, 2009
  • Pawlenty's budget would shed state jobs in Minn.
    An Associated Press analysis shows that Gov. Tim Pawlenty's budget proposal would cut the equivalent of more than 1,100 full-time state workers within about two years.January 30, 2009

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