

  • 'Paris 36' aims to recapture the good and bad of depression-era France
    A new film opening in the Twin Cities this weekend recreates the joys and crises of Paris between the world wars. "Paris 36" is the story of a theater struggling to survive in the tough economic and political atmosphere of the 1930s.April 17, 2009
  • Nearly all sectors saw job cuts last month in Minn.
    The Minnesota unemployment rate edged up to 8.2 percent in March, as employers in the state eliminated another 23,200 jobs.April 16, 2009
  • Wall Street analyst: Best Buy cuts wages, jobs in its stores
    A Wall Street analyst says thousands of Best Buy employees may face job losses, demotions or pay cuts.April 16, 2009
  • New jobless claims fall unexpectedly to 610K
    New jobless claims fell more than expected for the second straight week, but the number of Americans continuing to receive unemployment insurance benefits rose above 6 million for the first time.April 16, 2009
  • Prized possessions for sale in stressed economy
    Business has picked up at pawn shops as credit tightens up. So, more and more people are trying to turn goods they have at home into cash. But, sometimes those family heirlooms or prized possessions have value beyond monetary.April 15, 2009
  • New jobless claims fall more than expected to 654K
    New jobless claims fell more than expected last week but are stuck at elevated levels, while those continuing to receive unemployment insurance set a record for the 11th straight week.April 9, 2009
  • Tough job market even tougher for those with disabilities
    It's the job of state employment counselors to make sure that Minnesotans with disabilities have as good a chance of getting a job as anyone else. But the economic recession is making their mission much more difficult.April 2, 2009
  • Expansion of national service programs on the horizon
    Congress worked in a bipartisan way on one proposal: Both the House and Senate have bills to expand national service. Midmorning examines what that legislation will mean for volunteer-heavy non profits.Midmorning, March 26, 2009
  • Striking French workers release 3M manager
    French workers released a manager of U.S. manufacturer 3M held hostage for two days in a labor dispute over layoffs, the company said Thursday, amid rising French unemployment and public outrage at employers.March 26, 2009
  • 8.1 percent jobless rate; a glimmer of light?
    The jobless rate in Minnesota rose again in February, hitting 8.1 percent. That's up more than half a percent from the January reading. The state also lost more than 13,000 jobs.March 19, 2009
  • First 11 stimulus road projects announced in Minn.
    Minnesota transportation officials today directed $40 million in federal stimulus money at 11 outstate road and bridge projects. The 11 projects are part of 60 state highway projects in Greater Minnesota totaling $180 million announced in February.March 13, 2009
  • Star Tribune, printer's union reach a deal
    A top labor union official says the Star Tribune and its printer's union have reached a deal to avoid the termination of a labor contract covering 116 pressman.March 13, 2009
  • New jobless claims rise more than expected
    The number of initial claims for jobless benefits rose last week, while the total number of people continuing to receive benefits set a record high, the government said Thursday.March 12, 2009
  • Bill to provide workers more sick time clears first hurdle
    Legislation that would require more employers to provide their workers with paid sick time cleared its first hurdle in the Minnesota House today.March 11, 2009
  • Big Pharma mergers
    Merck's recent deal to buy Shering-Plough, and Pfizer's purchase of Wyeth, comes at a time of slumping sales in the drug industry and increased competition from generic drug makers. Midmorning looks at what these mergers mean for consumers and drug development, and examines how the drug industry could be affected by changes at the FDA.Midmorning, March 10, 2009

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