

  • Review says more Minnesota families still struggling with housing costs
    A review of various economic measures by the non-profit Minnesota Housing Partnership indicates more Minnesotans are having trouble paying for housing.October 1, 2009
  • Minn. Blue Cross and Blue Shield layoffs total 300 for the past year
    Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota has laid off about 300 workers in the past year, about 100 this week alone.October 1, 2009
  • Alinsky rules, and not just among radicals
    A veteran of classic community organizing looks at Saul Alinsky's influence in the age of ACORN.October 1, 2009
  • An audience with Michael Moore
    This weekend Michael Moore's new film "Capitalism: a love story" takes a caustic look at the current economic crisis and what caused it. Moore, who recently visited the Twin Cities to talk about the film, says he believes this is a unique moment to discuss change in the U.S.October 1, 2009
  • MnDOT to meet with critics over minority hiring
    Critics say they've convinced officials from the state transportation department to meet with them about the agency's hiring record for women and minorities.September 29, 2009
  • New site shows products' hidden impacts
    Consumers used to get most of their information about a product from the packaging. Now, the Web site GoodGuide can tell a shopper where a product was made, where its ingredients came from, even the conditions in the factory where it was produced. The site's co-founder says he wants to empower consumers to make better informed choices, and to push for more transparency in marketing.Midmorning, September 28, 2009
  • Minn. delegation pushes for extension of jobless benefits
    Members of Minnesota's congressional delegation say they'll push for federal legislation giving Minnesotans a 13-week extension of jobless benefits.September 23, 2009
  • Jobs offering health care are harder to find in Minnesota
    Congress continues to fight over health care reform, and leading proposals still rely on employers providing health coverage even though fewer Americans get health insurance through their jobs.September 23, 2009
  • Long term unemployment
    More people say they've been without a job for longer than a year. The deep recession may have ended back in June, but high unemployment, close to 10 percent may persist through much of 2010.Midmorning, August 26, 2009
  • Idled Iron Range miners facing tough times
    Minnesota's taconite mining industry is starting to emerge from a downturn, but the rebound is slow to reach the towns of Hibbing and Keewatin, where taconite plants remain on extended shut-down.August 21, 2009
  • Delayed bus order forces layoffs at New Flyer
    New Flyer, the bus manufacturer poised to benefit from stimulus money, will lay off more than 300 people by the end of the year after an order for 140 buses was delayed.August 20, 2009
  • Minnesota's job market bounces back in July
    Minnesota's job market bounced back in dramatic fashion in July.August 20, 2009
  • Jobless numbers rare good news for manufacturing
    The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development said today the state's jobless rate dropped to 8.1 percent in July. For the first time in more than a year, the state's important manufacturing sector gained jobs.August 20, 2009
  • State's jobless fund in the red
    Minnesota's jobless benefits trust fund ran a deficit in July for the first time this recession.August 6, 2009
  • Dry cleaner sued for firing pregnant worker
    The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has sued White Way Cleaners, claiming the St. Paul-based dry cleaner unlawfully fired an employee because she was pregnant.August 6, 2009

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