

  • Minneapolis lays off 25 police officers
    The last day of work for 25 Minneapolis police officers will come just a few days before Christmas.December 14, 2009
  • South African performer creates 'The Cool Train' in Minnesota
    It's been a decade and a half since the collapse of apartheid in South Africa, but for people like Twin Cities performer Lunga Sinuka its legacy is very real.December 9, 2009
  • Unemployment extensions confusing for some Minnesotans
    A slew of extensions prolonging federal jobless benefits are coming to an end later this month, and the change is causing confusion for some unemployed Minnesotans, and prompting debate over additional extensions.December 8, 2009
  • Qwest closing Duluth call center
    Fifty-two Qwest employees are losing their jobs at a Duluth directory service call center.December 3, 2009
  • Thomson Reuters in Eagan lays off 120
    At Thomson West in Eagan, 120 workers received pink slips Thursday. The layoffs are part of 240 cuts at parent company Thomson Reuters' legal businesses in North America.December 3, 2009
  • The White House jobs summit
    With the unemployment rate expected to stay above 10 percent well into next year, the Obama administration is holding a summit with economists and business leaders to discuss job creation.Midmorning, December 3, 2009
  • Report: Manufacturing output up in Minnesota
    The Federal Reserve says manufacturing output is up in Minnesota. The so-called Beige Book released by the Fed gives an anecdotal overview of business conditions across the country.December 2, 2009
  • Study suggests medical errors due to doctor burn-out
    A new study by the Mayo Clinic suggests major medical errors reported by American surgeons are related to burn-out and depression.November 24, 2009
  • Minnesota's unemployment insurance fund remains in a deficit
    Minnesota's unemployment insurance fund remains in a deficit, despite expectations the fund would have a positive balance in October.November 20, 2009
  • Unemployment rate ticks up, but state adds 2,200 jobs
    The state's unemployment rate rose slightly in October, even as state employers added 2,200 jobs, according to new numbers released Thursday.November 19, 2009
  • Temp job market can be a mixed blessing for workers
    Temporary employment agencies are one of the few bright spots in the job market these days and experts keep an eye on the industry because it often signals the beginning of an economic recovery. But for workers, the low-paying jobs may not always be the best choice.November 18, 2009
  • The domestic scientific brain drain
    U.S. colleges are graduating as many scientists and engineers as ever, yet employers say they are facing a shortage. Midmorning looks into the motives behind their migration into other fields like finance and what incentives are necessary to keep scientists doing the work they were trained for.Midmorning, November 17, 2009
  • How to land a job during high unemployment
    Job seekers now face the extra challenge of competing with 10% of the nation who, according to the Labor Department, are also looking for work. Midmorning discusses how to get the edge in landing a job using the latest that the Internet has to offer, including the "Twittersphere."Midmorning, November 10, 2009
  • Stress-testing the recovery: Following up
    After wrapping up the Stress-testing the recovery series, All Things Considered followed up with a couple of the people most affected by the recession.November 6, 2009
  • U.S. unemployment rate rises above 10 percent
    National unemployment has reached 10.2%, a high not seen since 1983. Economists worry that consumer spending may continue to be weak, slowing the rest of the economy.Midmorning, November 6, 2009

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