
War & Conflict

  • Bush in Britain: Iraq war was necessary
    After landing in London Tuesday afternoon for a three-day stay amid lots of protests and even more security, Bush arrived at Buckingham Palace. He gives a speech Wednesday to convince skeptical Britons that the war in Iraq was necessary.November 19, 2003
  • Third Minnesota soldier killed in Iraq
    A Northome man who grew up wanting to be a soldier, as his grandfather was, became the third Minnesotan killed in Iraq.November 19, 2003
  • Ahmad's war
    On Oct. 28, Ahmad Shawakat, the subject of the documentary Ahmad's War: Inside Out was killed in Iraq. Shawkat had returned home from exile to Mosul after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime. In March, 2003, Senior radio Correspondent Michael Goldfarb traveled to Northern Iraq, where he met Shawkat.November 18, 2003
  • Richard Boucher on U.S. foreign relations and the Iraq war
    Richard Boucher, department spokesman and assistant secretary at the U.S. Dept. of State's Bureau of Public Affairs, spoke recently to a public audience in St. Paul. He answered questions about the U.S.-led war in Iraq, Iraqi reconstruction, and nuclear arsenals in the U.S. and abroad. The event was co-sponsered by the Minnesota International Center, and The American Foreign Service Association of the Upper Midwest, and the St. Paul-Minneapolis Committee of Foreign Affairs.November 17, 2003
  • Boucher defends administration's Iraq policy
    The U.S. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher is in the Twin Cities speaking about Iraq, terrorism, and foreign policy. Boucher led a town hall meeting in St. Paul Thursday, where he told the audience that the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq does not mean they won't be found eventually -- or that the original invasion decision was wrong. Several of Boucher's comments provoked some heckling from the audience. All Things Considered host David Molpus had a followup conversation with Boucher Friday. He said the Bush administration is accelerating the process of turning authority over to a new Iraqi government.November 14, 2003
  • A new strategy in Iraq?
    The U.S. is attempting to crack down on Iraqi insurgents following a bombing that has killed 31 at an Italian military base in Nasiriyah. Meanwhile, the Bush administration indicates it wants to speed up the process for transfer of the government to Iraqi control.November 14, 2003
  • Little Crow rifle auctioned
    A fancy rifle believed owned by a famous Dakota Indian chief will be sold. It's part of an auction Saturday in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.November 14, 2003
  • Peace in the Middle East
    President Bush says that a stable, democratic Iraq could change the world...most notably the Arab world. How is that talk of democracy in Iraq and the Middle East being recieved in the Middle East? A special program from the BBC and Radio Jordan featuring a panel of leading Arab intellectuals. They discuss the post-war situation in the Middle East.November 12, 2003
  • Mainstreet Radio special from Camp Ripley
    In a live program from Camp Ripley, Minnesota, host Rachel Reabe and her guests discuss past and current roles of the National Guard and Reserves.November 11, 2003
  • Veterans' Day special broadcast
    A special Mainstreet Radio special broadcast on Veterans Day from Camp Ripley, Minnesota. Host Rachel Reabe will discuss the changing roles of the National Guard and Reserves.November 11, 2003
  • Exporting Democracy
    In this special edition of Justice Talking, part of the "Whose Democracy Is It?" series, we hear a debate on the "shoulds" and "coulds" of nation-building and what it takes to bring democracy to foreign lands. Can America's values be shared by other countries and interpreted within their own traditions, while much of the world harbors dark suspicions about America's imperial aims?November 7, 2003
  • Rep. McCollum back from Iraq
    Congresswoman Betty McCollum recently returned from a three-day fact-finding trip to Iraq, amidst a wave of violence in Baghdad. McCollum says there is an opportunity for democracy, stability and economic prosperity for Iraq. She says military leaders report some successes, but she says they tell her sometimes it feels like two steps forward and one step back. We talk with her about her trip.October 30, 2003
  • Bush urges the U.S. stay the course in Iraq
    President Bush defended continuing occupation of Iraq, saying recent attacks haven't deterred the U.S. from trying to establish a democracy there. He said he believes attacks are coming from foreign sources as well as from the remnants of Saddam Hussein's support.October 29, 2003
  • McCollum's view of Iraq
    Rep. Betty McCollum, DFL-Minn., has returned from a trip to Iraq. During her visit, a wave of coordinated attacks took place, some targeting the Red Cross headquarters in Baghdad, killing more than 35 people. She also visited Mosul, in northern Iraq, where she and other members of her delegation with the House International Relations committee met with members of the 101st Airborne Division. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer spoke with McCollum.October 29, 2003
  • President Bush responds to attacks in Iraq
    President Bush held a news conference Tuesday in Washington, after one of the bloodiest stretches of violence in Iraq in recent weeks. A car bomb exploded Tuesday near a police station in Fallujah, Iraq, killing at least four people. More than 30 others were killed in a series of bombings Monday.October 28, 2003

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