
War & Conflict

  • Continuing coverage of 9/11 Commission hearings
    More testimony from Capitol Hill.March 24, 2004
  • Live coverage of 9/11 Commission hearings on Capitol Hill
    Morning hearings will feature testimony from CIA director George Tenet and former Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy Berger.March 24, 2004
  • Coverage and analysis, 9/11 Commission hearings
    Host Gary Eichten and his guest, Nick Hayes, professor of history and holder of the University Chair in Critical Thinking at Saint John's University, discuss the National 9-11 Commission hearings. Analysis of the hearings, and continued live coverage from National Public Radio.March 23, 2004
  • Live coverage of the 9/11 hearings
    The National 9-11 Commission opens two days of hearings in Washington, D.C. exploring what the government knew about terrorist threats, when it knew it and how it responded. Today, testimony from U.S Secretary of State Colin Powell, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and terrorism advisor Richard Clarke, among others.March 23, 2004
  • Continuing coverage of 9/11 Commission hearings
    More testimony from Capitol Hill.March 23, 2004
  • Live coverage of 9/11 Commission hearings on Capitol Hill
    Morning hearings will feature testimony from former Secretary of State Madeline Albright and Secretary of State Colin Powell.March 23, 2004
  • Israeli-Palestinian relations
    Following the killing of Hamas leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin by Israeli forces, Palestinians have vowed revenge. Host Gary Eichten and his guest discuss the conflicts between Israel and Palestine, and whether this attack will spur a wave of attacks and suicide bombings in the near future.March 22, 2004
  • America Abroad: Pakistan
    This special America Abroad documentary examines America's relationship with Pakistan, a country many believe to be the most important, and least understood, single policy challenge facing the United States after September 11. Is Pakistan a stable U.S. ally?March 22, 2004
  • Minnesotans are among the thousands serving in Iraq
    One year ago the U.S. launched its attack on Iraq. Since then hundreds of thousands of troops, including thousands of Minnesotans, have served in Operation Iraqi Freedom.March 19, 2004
  • The past year in Iraq
    A look back at the year since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq began.March 19, 2004
  • The first anniversary of the the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq
    Pentagon officials insist the year since the invasion of Iraq has brought many successes, although they're still wary about future terror attacks. A collection of MPR and NPR stories about the start of the war and the developments since.March 19, 2004
  • Congressman Kline still supports Iraq war
    One year ago, the United States started the war that eventually ousted Saddam Hussein from Iraq. In the time since the bombs first fell, politicians, activists, and citizens have debated the decision to go to war and its consequences. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer spoke with Republican Congressman John Kline.March 19, 2004
  • Billboards bring art to the streets
    The Walker Art Center recently invited several internationally known artists to use a downtown Minneapolis billboard as their canvas. The Walker's yearlong Billboard Project kicked off this week with a sign designed by experimental artist and peace activist Yoko Ono. Ono's message is simple. Imagine Peace.March 19, 2004
  • One year later, peace activists not giving up
    A year ago opponents of war with Iraq took to the streets by the thousands across the country and in Minnesota. In the weeks and months following the invasion, visible opposition to the war dwindled. Now, a year after the conflict began, anti-war activists say they haven't given up, but they are changing their strategy.March 19, 2004
  • Reporting from Iraq
    Friday is the one-year anniversary of the U.S.-led war in Iraq. Host Gary Eichten talks with NPR foreign correspondent Anne Garrels about her time reporting in Iraq. She is spending some time at her home in Connecticut, and will return to Baghdad in early April.March 18, 2004

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