
War & Conflict

  • New Iraqi government
    The new government in Iraq and the transition coming at the end of the month. Host Gary Eichten talks with political scientist Rick Stoll, associate dean of the School of Social Sciences at Rice University in Houston, Texas. He specializes in international conflict.June 1, 2004
  • MPR Poll: Growing concern about involvement in Iraq
    A new poll finds growing concern about the aftermath of the war in Iraq, even though a majority of Minnesotans say the U.S. was right to invade Iraq. The Minnesota Public Radio-St. Paul Pioneer Press poll also found most Minnesotans want the U.S. to stabilize Iraq, even if it takes awhile. Yet many people say they believe the Bush administration misled the public about the reasons for going to war.June 1, 2004
  • Minnesota honors its war dead
    Minnesota honored its war dead in ceremonies across the state this weekend. From Woodbury to Little Falls to Forest Lake, there were parades, honor guards and salutes to recognize the ultimate sacrifice made by thousands serving in the military.May 31, 2004
  • Honoring veterans
    Highlights from the Memorial Day commemorations in Minnesota and Washington DC. Speakers include Tom Brokaw, Tom Hanks, former Senator Robert Dole, President George Bush, General Richard Myers, Senator Mark Dayton and Congressman Jim Ramstad.May 31, 2004
  • Women and the war
    Emily Yellin, author of the new book Our Mothers' War: American Women at Home and at the Front During World War II.May 31, 2004
  • Museum features Air Guard's history and role in the war on terror
    Today marks the start of the first summer since 9/11 that visitors can return to the Minnesota Air Guard Museum at Twin Cities International Airport. The museum features more than a dozen historic military aircraft, and the story of the nation's first Air National Guard unit. Security concerns forced the museum to close after 9/11, but it will be open most Saturdays this summer. New displays include the role of one Twin Cities-based flight crew on the day of the attacks.May 31, 2004
  • Lest We Forget
    A new documentary from the Veterans History Project called Lest We Forget. It features personal stories of World War II veterans and civilian workers on the home front.May 28, 2004
  • U.S. honors World War II vets with a monument to their sacrifice
    America dedicated a memorial Saturday to the fast-thinning ranks of World War II veterans, a poignant last hurrah drawing together tens of thousands of old soldiers, sailors and heroes of the home front. The National Mall, where huge numbers usually gather in protest, instead offered a last-of-a-lifetime scene of commemoration as veterans assembled by the sweeping monument of granite and bronze that was more than a decade in the planning.May 28, 2004
  • West African rhythms fuel a fight for freedom
    Most musicians dream of making it big on the world stage one day. But for a local West African singer, there's a lot more at stake than fame and fortune. Yawo, a native of Togo, hopes the CD he's producing in a tiny studio in northeast Minneapolis will help fuel the resistance against the dictator in his home country. He wants the music to connect with people in Togo, and with other freedom fighters like himself who have fled the country and are spread around the world.May 28, 2004
  • Are terrorists planning a summer attack?
    U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller describe some of what they know about a terror cell they believe is operating in the United States. They say terrorists may be planning attacks to coincide with a number of political or public events this summer.May 27, 2004
  • Al-Qaida said almost ready to attack United States
    The United States has "credible intelligence from multiple sources" that al-Qaida is determined to launch an attack in the United States in the next few months that could be linked to events such as an upcoming international economic summit and the summer political conventions, Attorney General John Ashcroft said Wednesday.May 26, 2004
  • Millions of refugees remain in limbo
    There are now nearly 12 million refugees worldwide. A new report from the U.S. Committee for Refugees says at least seven million of them have been confined to camps for ten years or more. What are the rights of refugees and what is the international community doing to ensure them?May 26, 2004
  • Analysis of President Bush's speech
    Brian Atwood, dean of the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute and former head of U.S. AID, joins host Gary Eichten to discuss the Iraq plan presented by President Bush Monday night.May 25, 2004
  • Iraq taking heavy toll on Bush five months before election
    Five months before the election, President Bush confronts a grim picture in Iraq of rising casualties, growing violence, skittish allies and Arab anger. To the administration's dismay, the setbacks have drowned out news of an improving economy at home and have pushed Iraq to the top of Americans' concerns. Those anxieties have helped drive down Bush's approval ratings to the lowest point of his presidency and stirred deep doubts about his handling of Iraq.May 25, 2004
  • Bush unveils Iraq strategy
    President Bush re-stated the aim to hand over control of the Iraqi government on June 30, but he said U.S. troops will be maintained past that time. Bush's speech at the Army War College comes at a time when an increasing number of Americans tell pollsters the policy in Iraq isn't working.May 25, 2004

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