
War & Conflict

  • Minnesota members of Congress react to president's speech
    In a speech last night at the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, President Bush presented his five step plan for creating an Iraqi democracy. He said an interim Iraqi government will have "full sovereignty" starting June 30, but 138,000 U.S. troops will remain in Iraq to provide security. Bush said the election of a permanent Iraqi government will happen at the end of 2005. The president of the Iraqi Governing Council says Bush's plan falls short of expectations. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer spoke with Minnesota's Sixth Congressional District Rep. Republican Mark Kennedy, and Fourth District Rep. Democrat Betty McCollum, to get their reactions to the speech.May 25, 2004
  • Bush says U.S. will persevere in Iraq
    President Bush, trying to dispel rising doubts about the war, declared Monday night the United States would stay in Iraq until it was free and democratic and suggested more U.S. soldiers might have to be sent to stop enemy forces bent on destroying the new government. In a prime-time address at the U.S. Army War College, he also promised to demolish the Abu Ghraib prison that has become an ugly symbol of the U.S. occupation.May 24, 2004
  • Moving forward after September 11
    Gail Sheehy and Pauline Boss speak as part of the University of Minnesota's Great Conversations series. They have both written about the victims of 9/11. Gail Sheehy is author of Middletown, America and Pauline Boss is author of Ambiguous Loss: Learning to Live with Unresolved Grief.May 21, 2004
  • Investigating Iraqi prisoner abuse
    Continuing coverage of the Senate Armed Services Committee hearings.May 19, 2004
  • Investigating Iraqi prisoner abuse
    Continuing coverage of the Senate Armed Services Committee hearings on the Iraq prison scandal. The committee will hear from top generals in Iraq.May 19, 2004
  • Sivits receives maxium penalty in first court-martial for Iraqi prisoner scandal
    Spc. Jeremy C. Sivits received the maximum penalty Wednesday - one year in prison, reduction in rank and a bad conduct discharge - in the first court-martial stemming from mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison.May 19, 2004
  • Investigating Iraqi prisoner abuse
    The Senate Armed Services Committee hearings continue.May 19, 2004
  • Investigating Iraqi prisoner abuse
    The Senate Armed Services Committee questions top U.S. military officials in Iraq about interrogation procedures and abuse at Abu Ghraib prison. Army General John Abizaid, Army Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez and Major General Geoffrey Miller are among those expected to testify.May 19, 2004
  • Fear and anger; the view from Iraq
    Iraq today is a country on the brink of both chaos and sovereignty. A documentary from WBUR's Inside Out series documents the daily life in Iraq and its people, as they wait to see whether sovereignty will help bring an end to the chaos.May 18, 2004
  • The conflict in Iraq and prisoner abuse scandal
    Knight Ridder's Senior Military Correspondent Joseph Galloway joins host Gary Eichten to talk about the war in Iraq, the prison abuse scandal, military chain of command, and more. He'll also take questions from MPR listeners.May 13, 2004
  • Women at war
    The Iraqi conflict and occupation saw more women taking leadership and near-combat roles. Many have served with distinction and lost their lives in the conflict. But the involvement of women in the prisoner abuse cases at Abu Ghraib raises questions about how far women in the military have come.May 13, 2004
  • Rep. John Kline on Iraqi prisoner abuse
    Members of the Senate Armed Services Committee today are expected to see more pictures and video of American soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners. The Pentagon will make the material available for viewing in a high-security room in the Capitol. The viewing comes a day after the beheading of an American citizen was shown on an Islamic Website. The video said the killing of Nick Berg was to avenge the abuse of Iraqis by American soldiers. Minnesota Second District Congressman Republican John Kline is on the House Armed Services committee. He says it is unclear when the new images of prisoner abuse will be made public.May 12, 2004
  • St. Paul police officer arrested in Hmong violence probe
    The arrest of a Hmong St. Paul police officer is the latest development in an investigation into several incidents of violence involving Hmong and Lao residents. Federal law enforcement officials are trying to determine how several recent shootings and arson fires are linked. Some in the Hmong community suspect the perpetrators are motivated by political divisions formed many years ago in Laos.May 11, 2004
  • Senate Armed Services Committee hearing coverage
    Continued live coverage of the Senate Armed Services Hearing on Iraq prisoner mistreatment. The committee will hear testimony from Lieutenant General Lance F. Smith, USAF-Deputy Commander, U.S. Central Command; Honorable Stephen A. Cambone, Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence; Army Major General Antonio M. Taguba, author of the report on the abuses at Abu Ghraib.May 11, 2004
  • Hearings investigate abuse of Iraqi prisoners
    U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services hearings continue.May 11, 2004

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