
War & Conflict

  • Turmoil in Russia
    Russia is reeling in the wake of several terrorist attacks. The latest incident was the deadly school siege in the town of Beslan that left 338 people dead--half of them children. President Vladimir Putin says the nation faces an all-out war to combat terrorism, but critics say some of the blame for the recent attacks lies with his government. And as Russia cracks down on terrorism, will a crackdown on civil liberties follow?September 8, 2004
  • Tom Ridge at the National Press Club
    Tom Ridge, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, speaks live from the National Press Club in Washington.September 7, 2004
  • Can the United Nations stop the crisis in Sudan?
    The United Nations Security Council is discussing sanctions against the Sudanese government due to the ongoing violence in Darfur. But China and Russia oppose sanctions and some critics argue sanctions would have no effect. Does the U.N. have the will and the power to resolve the crisis?September 2, 2004
  • The U.S. at war in Iraq
    The Republican National Convention opens when the nation is at war. President George Bush's handling of the Iraq war and terrorism is at the center of his re-election campaign. We get an update on the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan.August 30, 2004
  • Ventura criticizes use of National Guard in Iraq
    Former Gov. Jesse Ventura, who during his time in office diligently avoided commenting on military decisions, joined the fray over the war in Iraq on Tuesday. "Now that I'm a civilian, I'm here to speak out that I think the current use of the National Guard is wrong," Ventura said Tuesday. Ventura is serving as an advisory board member for a new group called Operation Truth, a nonprofit organization set up "to give voice to troops who served in Iraq."August 24, 2004
  • Report: Rumsfeld, senior Pentagon officials share blame for prisoner abuse scandal
    The Pentagon's most senior civilian and military officials share a portion of blame for creating conditions that led to the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal in Iraq, according to a report released Tuesday by an independent panel of civilian defense experts. The findings were presented at a Pentagon news conference Tuesday afternoon.August 24, 2004
  • Talk of Minnesota: John Kerry's 1971 anti-war testimony
    In April of 1971, John Kerry gave a speech before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations about war crimes that other soldiers serving in Vietnam allegedly committed. That testimony is the focus of a new Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ad that claims Kerry "dishonored his country and more importantly the people he served with." We play the ad alongside Kerry's testimony, and then we open the phone lines to get listeners' reactions.August 24, 2004
  • War on the campaign trail
    Debate over the presidential candidates' war service has refreshed the divide over the Vietnam War. Midmorning takes a look at war as a campaign issue and factor in presidential elections.August 24, 2004
  • Minnesota doctor questions physicians' actions at Abu Ghraib
    A University of Minnesota physician is calling for an investigation into the actions of doctors at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. In an article published over the weekend in a British medical journal, Dr. Steven Miles describes ethical lapses by medical personnel at the prison. Miles says he looked at the records because he wanted to know why doctors did not blow the whistle on the abuse at the prison. He says in his investigation he found three major problems.August 23, 2004
  • The 9/11 Commission: Where Do We Go Now?
    Following the release of their final report, the members of the 9-11 Commission fanned out across the country to build popular support for their recommendations. Two of the commissioners, Slade Gorton and Richard Ben Veniste, spoke earlier this week at the Commonwealth Club of California.August 20, 2004
  • Life after the 9-11 Commission
    The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States officially closes up shop on Friday. We talk with a Minnesota native who served as senior counsel to the commission about what's happened in the four weeks since the release of "The 9/11 Commission Report" and what will eventually become of its recommendations.August 19, 2004
  • Bush campaign targets Wisconsin, Minnesota in latest swing
    President George W. Bush is in Crawford, Texas, resting after a bus tour that took him through Wisconsin and Minnesota. The president made a campaign stop on Wednesday just across the St. Croix River in Hudson, Wis., followed by a rally at the Xcel Energy Center in downtown St. Paul. He repeated many of the campaign's familiar themes on the economy and the war in Iraq. But he also opened the dialogue slightly by inviting audience members to pepper him with questions.August 19, 2004
  • Violence and Iraqi government negotiations
    Military operations in the holy city of Najaf are a point of contention at an elections conference in Iraq. But the discussions on how the January elections will work continue.August 17, 2004
  • Minnesota representatives get a firsthand look at the Middle East
    Two of Minnesota's U.S. Congressional Representatives, returning from an eight-day tour of Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries, share their impressions of the situation there.August 16, 2004
  • Searching for a Nazi sub
    Wreck divers are part of a romantic breed of explorers who take risks to satisfy their and our curiousity. A new book describes the adventures of two divers on a mysterious wreck off the coast of New Jersey.August 16, 2004

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