
War & Conflict

  • What follows Saddam's capture?
    The capture of Saddam Hussein is providing intelligence that has led to the arrests of key figures in the anti-U.S. insurgency and a clearer picture of what role the ousted dictator played, a U.S. general told The Associated Press on Monday.December 16, 2003
  • Guard ensures peace in Bosnia by collecting weapons
    Gov. Tim Pawlenty returns to Minnesota Tuesday night after a brief trip to Bosnia. More than 1,000 Minnesota National Guard soldiers aren't quite as lucky. The Guard members are part of a multinational deployment assigned to enforce the 1995 Dayton Peace Accords that ended Bosnia's bloody civil war. As part of their regular routine, Minnesota troops patrol the mountains along the former front lines, looking for illegal weapons and reassuring a doubtful population.December 16, 2003
  • Pawlenty visits massacre site
    Gov. Pawlenty on Monday visited the site of the worst European mass killing since the Nazi Holocaust. The governor is in Bosnia to visit Minnesota National Guard members stationed there on a peacekeeping mission.December 15, 2003
  • Bush: Hussein is a torturer and killer but will get a fair trial
    President Bush promised a fair, public trial for Saddam Hussein on Monday but also said "he's a torturer and a killer" and can't be trusted to tell interrogators the truth about weapons of mass destruction or attacks against Americans in Iraq.December 15, 2003
  • U.S. security and the responsibilities of power
    William Perry, former U.S. secretary of defense, and Zbigniew Brzezinski, former national security advisor to President Carter, speak on U.S. security in an age of American preeminence during Friday's Mondale Lectures on Public Service, at Macalester College.December 15, 2003
  • Saddam Hussein captured
    "I'm Saddam Hussein," the man with the scruffy beard said in English when U.S. troops found him in a dirt hole. U.S. officers who captured the 66-year-old former dictator in the hole next to a hut in Iraq Saturday could not believe how easy it was to take Saddam after eight months of hunting.December 15, 2003
  • Pawlenty cheers Minnesota Guard troops in Bosnia
    Gov. Tim Pawlenty's trip to Bosnia continues Monday with a stop in Srebrenica, site of a 1995 massacre of Bosnian Muslims by Serbian nationalists. Pawlenty is visiting the country to meet with Minnesota National Guard troops stationed there to enforce the 1995 Dayton Peace Accords that brought an end to the Bosnian civil war. Pawlenty's first day in Bosnia coincided with news of Saddam Hussein's capture in Iraq.December 15, 2003
  • The capture of Saddam Hussein
    Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was captured in a town near Tikrit. President Bush hailed his capture as the end of "a dark and painful era" in the history of Iraq.December 15, 2003
  • Reconstruction and fighting terrorism in Afghanistan
    Six children were crushed to death by a collapsing wall during an assault by U.S. forces on a compound stuffed with weapons in eastern Afghanistan, an American military spokesman said Wednesday, the second time in a week that civilians have died in action against Taliban and al-Qaida suspects. Today on MIDDAY, an update on the situation in Afghanistan.December 11, 2003
  • The search for peace in the Middle East
    President Bush gave a guarded reaction Thursday to an unofficial peace plan for the Middle East, saying the new initiative should follow his blueprint for fighting terrorism and establishing a Palestinian state that is democratic and free.December 5, 2003
  • Lawyers allowed for some Guantanamo detainees
    The Bush administration appears to be softening its stance on the terrorism suspects held at Guantanamo Bay. Some analysts say the policy shift is a response to the decision by the Supreme Court to hear the case of detainees who want to challenge their detention in court.December 5, 2003
  • Filmmaker focuses on the Vietnam war era
    Documentary filmmaker Errol Morris talks about his latest film, The Fog of War. It's a portrait of former Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara and the role he played in the political events of the 20th century.December 2, 2003
  • Insurgency and tentative steps to elected government
    U.S. military officials say attacks have killed 54 Iraqis following weekend ambushes that claimed the lives of Spanish intelligence agents and South Korean and Columbian civilian workers. Iraqis say far fewer were killed. At the same time, a Shiite cleric is pressuring the Iraqi Governing Council to hold elections next year.December 2, 2003
  • Bush makes surprise visit to Baghdad
    President Bush made a surprise Thanksgiving visit to American troops in Baghdad Thursday, flying secretly to violence-scarred Iraq to thank U.S. forces for serving there. It was the first trip ever by an American president to Iraq - a mission tense with concern about his safety.November 27, 2003
  • Bush visits London
    President Bush is in London -- with plans to forcefully defend his invasion of Iraq to a skeptical British public. The main welcome ceremony is set for Wednesday morning at Buckingham Palace. Afterward, Bush delivers what the White House is calling a major foreign policy speech at London's Banqueting House.November 19, 2003

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