
War & Conflict

  • NPR's Anne Garrels
    National Public Radio reporter Anne Garrels joins Gary Eichten in the MPR studios to discuss her experiences reporting on the war in Iraq, and to take listener questions. Her new book is Naked in Baghdad.September 23, 2003
  • Bush says democratic transition in Iraq won't be rushed
    President Bush challenged the United Nations on Tuesday to support his plan for a measured and deliberate transition to democratic rule in Iraq. French President Jacques Chirac, who has insisted on a quick handover, called for a "realistic" timetable. "This process must unfold according to the needs of Iraqis," Bush told world leaders at the opening of the U.N. General Assembly, the first such gathering since the United States invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam Hussein.September 23, 2003
  • United Nations coverage continues
    NPR special live coverage continues, including analysis and a speech by French president Jacques Chirac. France has urged the U.S. to hand over control of Iraq to the Iraqi interim government.September 23, 2003
  • U.N. General Assembly to meet
    We preview Tuesday's United Nations General Assembly meeting. The Iraqi Governing Council set up by U.S. officials has been pressing to win sovereignty as an interim government in Iraq. At the same time, France and Germany are leading a push to give the U.N. more authority in Iraqi reconstruction and to set a timetable for handing over power to the Iraqis in a matter of months. Pres. Bush said he will declare in his speech Tuesday at the U.N. General Assembly that he "made the right decision and the others that joined us made the right decision" to invade Iraq.September 22, 2003
  • Soldiers' families want the 142nd back home
    Family members of Minnesota National Guard troops deployed to Iraq say they're angry that their relatives won't be coming home soon. In early September, Army officials announced that reserve troops in Iraq could be there as long as a year. That means members of Camp Ripley's 142nd Engineering Division may not come home until summer of 2004. Minnesota National Guard officials understand why the families are upset, but say there's not much they can do.September 22, 2003
  • A reporter's experiences in Iraq
    Pioneer Press reporter Hannah Allam went on assignment in Iraq. She talks about her experiences there, and her interviews with Iraqi fighters who say they're working to oust U.S. troops.September 19, 2003
  • Soldiers in Iraq endure longer tours
    The Pentagon says Army reservists should be prepared to serve for a year as opposed to six months in Iraq. Meanwhile, the Defense department is being pressured by military leaders to relocate US peacekeepers from the Balkans to help in Iraq's reconstruction.September 18, 2003
  • Injured troops return home from Iraq
    Much of the news about the war on Iraq has focused on the death toll of U.S. soldiers, especially the number of deaths since President Bush declared the end of mayor combat in early May. The seriously wounded get less attention, even though they significantly outnumber the dead. Caught up in sniper fire, and targeted by homemade bombs and Rocket Propelled Grenade attacks, troops are losing arms, legs and eyes. We discuss the future for the injured troops, and how they're getting home to the U.S.September 17, 2003
  • The war after the war
    Correspondent Deborah Amos spent seven weeks in Iraq covering the critical post-war period for National Public Radio. Minnesota Public Radio's American RadioWorks examines why the fighting in Iraq continues long after the fall of Baghdad. Through the voices of American soldiers, Iraqi citizens and U.S. policy experts, correspondent Amos investigates the factors fueling resentment and armed insurgency.September 16, 2003
  • Israeli-Palestinian crisis moves off the road map
    Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's potential removal may have little effect on the violence, according to one middle east scholar.September 15, 2003
  • U.S. soldier injuries mount in Iraq
    Much of the news about the war on Iraq has focused on the death toll of U.S. soldiers. The seriously wounded get less attention, even though they significantly outnumber the dead.September 14, 2003
  • Rain dampens turnout for 9/11 ceremony
    A rainstorm didn't halt the state's largest September 11 memorial ceremony Thursday night in St. Paul. Gov. Pawlenty and other leaders told a small, but dedicated, crowd that the fight against terrorism must continue. They said Minnesotans can channel their emotions into community service here at home.September 12, 2003
  • Talk of Minnesota
    A special 9/11 "Talk of Minnesota" program, inviting comments about how the terrorist attacks have affected people and families, and if the impact of 9/11 has faded over the past two years.September 11, 2003
  • Remembering 9/11
    Two years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, we'll update the world's terrorist movements and the whereabouts and strategies of terrorist leaders.September 11, 2003
  • Sec. Donald Rumsfeld at the NPC
    A live broadcast featuring Sec. of Defense Donald Rumsfeld speaking at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.September 10, 2003

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