
War & Conflict

  • Minn. native killed in Iraq
    A Minnesota native was killed in Iraq in a helicopter accident on Monday. Philip Windorski Jr. was one of four Americans killedJanuary 26, 2009
  • Advice on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
    President Barack Obama inherits an Israeli-Palestinian confrontation in Gaza and a broader Arab-Israeli conflict that seem to defy resolution. Former U.S. negotiator Aaron David Miller reflects on what Obama needs to know as he treads into that troubled region.Midday, January 26, 2009
  • The start of Gitmo's closure
    President Obama has signed executive orders to shut the Guantanamo detention camp within a year. But the fate of the nearly 250 inmates held there may complicate the process.Midmorning, January 22, 2009
  • Life as a Jewish partisan
    The new film, "Defiance," tells the story of the Bielski brothers, who led a group of Jewish partisans living in the forests of Belarus during World War II. The film mirrors the experience of a Minnesota couple who fought in another Jewish partisan group in the same forest.January 16, 2009
  • International relations expert on foreign policy challenges facing U.S.
    During the break in the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirmation hearing for Sen. Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State, a discussion of foreign policy challenges facing the United States of America.Midday, January 13, 2009
  • Confirmation hearings for Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State
    LIVE coverage continues, of the confirmation hearings held by the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Senator Hillary Clinton is President-elect Barack Obama's nominee for Secretary of State.Midday, January 13, 2009
  • Liberians hope for reprieve
    Liberians want either President Bush or President-elect Obama to extend their temporary residency in the U.S. That would allow about 1,000 Liberians in Minnesota to remain in the U.S. legally.January 12, 2009
  • Bush looks back during final news conference
    At his final news conference, President George W. Bush looked back on his presidency and looked ahead to what may be his successor's greatest challenges.Midday, January 12, 2009
  • World War II vets talking more about horrors of combat
    The willingness of the vets to tell their stories can be traced in part to a decision by the Veterans Administration to look more closely at the stress and anxiety many older vets still experience from military service.January 12, 2009
  • Israel tells Gazans to brace for war escalation
    Israel pounded rocket sites and tunnels Saturday while its planes dropped leaflets warning of an escalation, and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas predicted a "waterfall of blood" unless all parties adhere to the U.N.'s call for a durable cease-fire.January 10, 2009
  • Inside Islam
    Irshad Manji, out with a PBS documentary titled "Faith Without Fear," and Dalia Mogahed, co-author of "Who Speaks for Islam?" and senior analyst for the Gallup Organization, appeared together at the Aspen Ideas Festival for a discussed Muslims and society moderated by The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg.Midday, January 5, 2009
  • Israeli troops and tanks slice deep into Gaza
    Thousands of Israeli troops backed by tanks and helicopter gunships surrounded Gaza's largest city and fought militants at close range on Sunday, in the first full day of an overwhelming ground offensive in the coastal territory.January 4, 2009
  • 3,500 Wis. National Guard troops prep for call-up
    The troops head off next week for several months of training before being deployed to Iraq. It will be the largest deployment of Wisconsin National Guard troops since World War II.January 1, 2009
  • Luverne WWII pilot featured in 'The War' dies
    Quentin Aanenson, a World War Two fighter pilot from Luverne, Minnesota, who was featured in the Ken Burns documentary "The War," has died.December 30, 2008
  • Tuskegee Airman offered help to attend inaugural
    Residents of Duluth are stepping up to help a member of the Tuskegee Airmen who was invited to attend Barack Obama's inauguration but didn't know if he could afford the trip.December 30, 2008

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