
War & Conflict

  • Lessons learned from Soviet experience in Afghanistan
    Thirty years after Soviet troops rolled into Afghanistan, the United States is building up troops there to fight the Taliban. National Public Radio's Moscow correspondent discusses the Russian experience.Midday, April 28, 2009
  • Soldier from Iowa killed in Iraq
    Military officials say an Army soldier who grew up in Iowa and later moved to South Dakota has died after being shot near Kirkuk, Iraq.April 27, 2009
  • Ellison says arrest was deliberate action
    Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison acknowledged today that his arrest along with four other members of Congress was a deliberate action designed to draw attention to recent developments in Darfur.April 27, 2009
  • Judging the International Criminal Court
    In 1998, 121 countries reached a historic agreement and established the International Criminal Court. But the jury is still out on whether the ICC can heal the wounds of conflict. In a new documentary, America Abroad looks at the history of war crimes tribunals and the challenges facing the fledgling court.Midday, April 27, 2009
  • Party turns into riot near University of Minnesota
    A party near the University of Minnesota campus turned into a riot with police late Saturday night.April 26, 2009
  • Questions remain over CIA interrogation memos
    A political firestorm has erupted over President Obama's decision to release the CIA interrogation memos. Obama has said those who performed interrogations on terror suspects should not be prosecuted, but some are pushing for criminal prosecution of Bush administration officials who authorized the policy.Midmorning, April 24, 2009
  • When Somalis are in the news, so is Omar Jamal
    Somali community activist Omar Jamal is in the news again, this time for finding a lawyer for a Somali pirate. Jamal has made a comeback following his own high-profile problems with the law, but he remains controversial.April 24, 2009
  • ACLU: Pentagon to release images of prisoner abuse
    The Defense Department will release a "substantial number" of photos depicting abuse of prisoners by U.S. personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan, the American Civil Liberties Union said late Thursday.April 24, 2009
  • AP exclusive: Secret tally has 87,000 Iraqis dead
    At least 87,215 Iraqis have been killed in violence since 2005, according to a previously undisclosed Iraqi government tally obtained by The Associated Press.April 23, 2009
  • Duluth soldiers to be deployed to Afghanistan
    The Minnesota National Guard says 187 members of the 114th Transportation Company out of Duluth will deploy to Afghanistan.April 21, 2009
  • Two survivors tell their stories on Holocaust Remembrance Day
    Two girls, Sabina Zimering and Lucy Smith, hid from the Nazis in Poland during World War II. They survived the Holocaust and live in Minnesota today. Zimering wrote her story in the book, "Hiding in the Open." Both women were interviewed by MPR's Dan Olson for the "Voices of Minnesota" series.Midday, April 21, 2009
  • Did CIA memos promote immoral interrogation techniques?
    A former CIA attorney discusses President Obama's public release of Bush administration Justice Department memos to the CIA, which offered legal justification for harsh interrogation techniques many have concluded are torture.Midday, April 21, 2009
  • Phone calls from missing Somalis send mixed messages
    When the first group of young Somali men disappeared from Minneapolis back in 2007, they weren't on the FBI's radar yet. In phone calls back to their Minnesota friends, they appeared homesick and disillusioned.April 15, 2009
  • Somali pirates vow to hunt down, kill Americans
    Somali pirates vowed to hunt down American ships and kill their sailors and French forces detained 11 other brigands in a high-seas raid as tensions ratcheted up Wednesday off Africa's volatile eastern coast.April 15, 2009
  • US food aid ship escapes Somali pirate attack
    Somali pirates fired grenades and automatic weapons at an American freighter loaded with food aid but the ship managed to escape the attack and was heading Wednesday to Kenya under U.S. Navy escort, officials said.April 15, 2009

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