
War & Conflict

  • Red Bulls ready to ship out to Iraq
    More than 1,000 Minnesota National Guard troops will ship out to Iraq in the next few weeks. Members of the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division, have trained at Ft. Lewis Washington for the last two months.April 14, 2009
  • Minneapolis soldier accused of killing squad members in Iraq
    An Army sergeant accused of killing his squad leader and another soldier shouted "my career's over, just kill me" as soldiers pinned him to the ground after he shot the men in Iraq, members of their unit told a military judge Monday.April 14, 2009
  • Former ACLU head looks back on her legal battles
    Civil libertarians hailed the election of Barack Obama, but the promise of a different era for the rights of detainees is not clear. Long time civil liberties advocate Nadine Strossen talks about detainee rights, and why she continues to fight for free speech, even speech that offends.Midmorning, April 13, 2009
  • US captain freed; Somali pirates vow to retaliate
    Navy officials confirm that three snipers each took perfect aim to take down three pirates holding an American captain hostage on the high seas. Pirates vowed retaliation for the deaths, raising fears for the safety of other hostages still being held on more than a dozen ships off the coast of Somalia.April 13, 2009
  • Somalis in Minnesota react to barrage of bad news
    Somalia has been dominating the headlines in recent weeks, with various news stories in Minnesota and around the world focusing on events related to that African country. Somalis in Minnesota are reacting in various ways to the avalanche of publicity about their homeland.April 10, 2009
  • Piracy showdown escalates
    Pirates holding an American hostage are threatening to kill him unless a ransom is paid, according to a Somali who's been in contact with the pirates. Earlier, Capt. Richard Phillips tried to swim to freedom but was recaptured.April 10, 2009
  • Obama careful, quiet on pirate drama
    True to form, President Barack Obama is striking a cautious, low-profile public stance as the piracy crisis plays out.April 10, 2009
  • Journalist held in Iran was classic overachiever
    Imprisoned journalist Roxana Saberi grew up in Fargo as a classic overachiever, an introverted but determined young woman who excelled at piano and overcame her shyness to become Miss North Dakota and succeed in journalism.April 9, 2009
  • Obama in Baghdad, tells troops Iraq must take over
    President Barack Obama flew unannounced into Iraq on Tuesday and promptly declared it was time for Iraqis to "take responsibility for their country" after America's commitment of six years and thousands of lives.April 7, 2009
  • Nobel Peace Prize winner speaks at the Press Club
    Martti Ahtisaari, the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize winner and former president of Finland, speaks live at the National Press Club.Midday, April 6, 2009
  • Roxana Saberi's parents visit her in Iranian prison
    The parents of an American-Iranian journalist jailed for two months in Iran visited their daughter in prison on Monday, their lawyer said.April 6, 2009
  • 560 National Guard soldiers get raucous send-off
    More than 500 Minnesota National Guard soldiers will have warm memories when they deploy overseas later this year.April 4, 2009
  • Obama pledges to renew partnership with Europe
    President Barack Obama spoke before a French and German audience at a town-hall style gathering in Strasbourg today, pledging to work to repair damaged relations with Europe.Midday, April 3, 2009
  • "American" calls for Somali action in extremist recruiting video
    A new video by a group of Islamic extremists in Somalia uses hip-hop music -- and what appears to be a white American fighter -- to urge Muslims around the world to fight in a holy war in the Horn of Africa.April 3, 2009
  • Detention and human rights
    Legal scholar and counter-terrorism expert Amos Guiora talks about U.S. policy toward terror suspects and the Arab-Israeli conflict.Midmorning, April 3, 2009

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