
War & Conflict

  • Once the posse gets bin Laden, we'll head home to the ranch
    Osama bin Laden reportedly enjoyed "Bonanza" as a boy. Let's see if he remembers how most episodes ended.January 5, 2010
  • Federal court rejects Zacarias Moussaoui's appeal
    A federal appeals court rejected the 9/11 conspirator's claim that he was denied potentially helpful evidence during his trial and restricted in choosing his own counsel.January 4, 2010
  • Klobuchar meets Minn. troops in Afghanistan
    On a trip to Afghanistan over the weekend, Minnesota U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar stressed the importance of a clear timeline for U.S. withdrawal from the country.January 3, 2010
  • Delta CEO: Flight 253 threatened despite all security
    Delta Air Lines' chief is upset the 278 passengers and 11 crew members aboard Flight 253 were put at risk by a suspected terrorist despite the carrier's compliance with government security measures.January 1, 2010
  • Travelers' choice: Shed shyness for security?
    As Ronak Ray hunted for his flight gate, he prepared for the prospect of a security guard peering through his clothes with a full body scanner. But Ray doesn't mind: what he gives up in privacy he gets back in security.December 31, 2009
  • Minn. Hmong await news of relatives in Laos
    Days before Thailand forcibly repatriated 4,500 ethnic Hmong to Laos this week, MaoKao Thao of St. Paul called his terrified brother at a refugee camp.December 30, 2009
  • Music in the midst of Sri Lanka's civil war
    Minnesota and journalist Jesse Hardman got an inside view of the brutal civil war in Sri Lanka, and in the midst of the chaos he came upon an amazing story of a forgotten people.December 30, 2009
  • Iran hard-liners back government in mass rallies
    Tens of thousands of hard-line government supporters turned out for state-sponsored rallies Wednesday, some of them calling for the execution of opposition leaders as Iran's police chief threatened to show "no mercy" in crushing any new protests by the pro-reform movement.December 30, 2009
  • Obama: 'Systemic failure' allowed airliner attack
    President Barack Obama said Tuesday "a systemic failure" allowed the attempted Christmas Day attack on a Detroit-bound flight from Amsterdam. He called it "totally unacceptable."December 29, 2009
  • Dad of slain Marine not entitled to death benefits
    The Minnesota Court of Appeals says the father of a Marine killed in Iraq is not entitled to a share of death benefits that went to his mother.December 29, 2009
  • Aviation security under the microscope
    President Barack Obama has ordered a review of U.S. security policies following the failed Christmas Day attack on a Detroit-bound flight from Amsterdam. International aviation security consultant Douglas Laird joins Midday for a look at what's being done to keep Americans safe in the air.Midday, December 29, 2009
  • St. Cloud troops to deploy next month
    A St. Cloud-based unit of the U.S. Army Reserve will be deploying to southwest Asia next month. The 367th Engineer Battalion will leave in mid-January and be gone for at least a year.December 28, 2009
  • Local Hmong leaders concerned about refugees in Thailand
    Members of the Twin Cities Hmong community say they fear for the safety of refugees living in camps along the border of Thailand and Laos. In the past few days, the Thai government sent in troops to move several thousand refugees into Laos -- a country many of them fled.December 28, 2009
  • Thailand sends Hmong back to Laos
    Thailand moved to evict more than 4,000 ethnic Hmong asylum-seekers today and send them back to Laos despite objections from the U.S. and rights groups who fear they will face persecution.December 28, 2009
  • Napolitano concedes airline security system failed
    Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano conceded Monday that the aviation security system failed when a young man on a watchlist with a U.S. visa in his pocket and a powerful explosive hidden on his body was allowed to board a fight from Amsterdam to Detroit.December 28, 2009

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