
War & Conflict

  • Issue of gays in military still splits the ranks
    Don't ask, don't tell? Ask those who've fought in Iraq or Afghanistan about the Pentagon's move to consider letting gays serve openly, and it's clear that the ranks are still split, even if polls find growing acceptance of homosexuality in American culture.February 3, 2010
  • Minn. man helps rebuild agriculture in Afghanistan
    Paul Kanninen usually lives on the flat prairie of southwestern Minnesota. This winter, though, he's in the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan, working to help rebuild that country's struggling agricultural sector.February 1, 2010
  • Second group of Red Bull soldiers returns
    About 200 members of the Minnesota National Guard's 34th Red Bull Infantry Division returned home Sunday afternoon after a yearlong deployment to Iraq.January 31, 2010
  • 3 Americans now held in Iran for half of a year
    It's been six months since three young Americans were taken into custody in Iran, and the mother of one said even hiring an attorney in Iran has brought no new information on how they are doing.January 31, 2010
  • Officials conduct training exercise in Minneapolis
    Local, state and federal law enforcement will be holding a mock terrorism incident on Saturday morning in Minneapolis as part of a training exercise.January 30, 2010
  • A novel resolves childhood memories of the Ethiopian revolution
    The experience of leaving Ethiopia was so traumatic for her, author Maaza Mengiste has very clear memories of what happened. Now, in an attempt to give those memories some context, she has written a critically-acclaimed novel "Beneath the Lion's Gaze."January 26, 2010
  • Families welcome Red Bulls home from Iraq
    The first wave of Minnesota National Guard soldiers began returning from Iraq Sunday. More than 1,000 soldiers from the Guard's 34th Infantry Division are coming home in the next few weeks.January 24, 2010
  • Civil War Kids: Young Somalis in Minnesota
    Tens of thousands of Somalis escaped a brutal civil war, and now call Minnesota home. This is a glimpse into the stories of young Somalis confronting violence in their community, struggling with the psychological scars that the bloodshed in their homeland left behind and becoming stronger siblings, friends and leaders in the process.January 24, 2010
  • First wave of Minn. National Guard troops to land Sunday
    The first wave of Minnesota National Guard soldiers will return from deployments in Iraq Sunday.January 23, 2010
  • Attempted Christmas Day attack is an argument against torture, not for it
    The suspect's father tried to alert U.S. authorities to the danger posed by his son. Would he have done that if he'd thought his son would be tortured?January 22, 2010
  • Obama's first year and foreign policy
    President Obama didn't hesitate to travel to meet with his counterparts overseas. But has that engaged foreign policy yielded the gains some expected?Midmorning, January 22, 2010
  • Somali terror suspect being sent to halfway house
    A Somali man who pleaded guilty in Minnesota to a terror-related charge is being released to a halfway house.January 21, 2010
  • VIP service for military members up in the air
    The Armed Forces Service Center at MSP is a busy place, especially with the country at war on two fronts.January 18, 2010
  • Mothers of deployed soldiers find support in numbers
    Many soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan left mothers here at home, some of whom have turned to Blue Star Mothers for support and these groups are helping a new wave of moms cope with their children's deployments.January 18, 2010
  • Red Bulls ready to return from Iraq
    National Guard members with the 34th Infantry Red Bull Division are coming home to Minnesota over the next few weeks, after spending the past year in Iraq.January 18, 2010

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