
War & Conflict

  • Young war veterans returning home to unemployment
    The unemployment rate last year for young Iraq and Afghanistan veterans hit 21.1 percent, the Labor Department said Friday, reflecting a tough obstacle combat veterans face as they make the transition home from war.March 12, 2010
  • Minn. National Guard pilots due home
    Five soldiers from Minnesota's National Guard Detachment 39 are returning home after a one-year stint in Afghanistan.March 12, 2010
  • Liberians in U.S. wait to learn their future status
    Even though they've built lives here, their time on U.S. soil may be nearing its end.March 11, 2010
  • Hiding in the Open
    Sabina Zimering is a Polish Jew who survived the Holocaust and now lives in Minnesota. She and her sister made it through the war by pretending to be Catholics, while at the same time working in a hotel full of German soldiers. A play based on her story is currently on stage at the History Theatre in St. Paul.Midday, March 10, 2010
  • Minnesota woman among female World War II pilots finally honored
    Elizabeth Strohfus is among about 1000 women who will receive a Congressional Gold Medal today for their service during World War II. As Women Airforce Service Pilots, or WASPs, these women tested and transported planes in the U.S. so that male pilots could go overseas for combat. They were the first women to fly military planes, and their work was extremely dangerous.March 10, 2010
  • Hikers being held in Iran call loved ones
    Three American hikers being held in Iran were able to call home on Tuesday to let their loved ones know they are OK.March 10, 2010
  • How military families cope when parents come home injured
    A recent study shows the longer military parents are deployed, the more likely it is their children will have difficulties at school and at home. It's especially traumatic when children welcome home a parent with injuries.March 9, 2010
  • Dutch seek more info in terrorism case with Minn. ties
    A Dutch court has taken the unusual step of asking U.S. authorities for more information about the case of a Somali man wanted in Minneapolis for allegedly aiding an Islamist terror group, his lawyer said Tuesday.March 9, 2010
  • Hundreds slaughtered in Nigeria religious violence
    Rioters armed with machetes slaughtered more than 200 people including a 4-day-old infant, residents said, less than two months after sectarian violence in the volatile region left more than 300 dead.March 8, 2010
  • An international day to honor women who have survived, as well as endured
    From Liberia and the Congo to Burma and Bhutan, pervasive and severe violence against women is the norm.March 8, 2010
  • Iraq tallies votes from Sunday election
    Dozens of people were killed in Baghdad Sunday as Iraqis went to the polls in an election that will help shape the future of the country. Columbia University International Affairs Professor Austin Long joins Midday to analyze Sunday's election, and what it means for security in the region.Midday, March 8, 2010
  • Officers: Pakistan arrests American-born al-Qaida member
    The American-born spokesman for al-Qaida, Adam Gadahn, has been arrested by Pakistani intelligence officers in the southern city of Karachi.March 7, 2010
  • Afghan president gets an earful from seized town
    Afghan President Hamid Karzai heard a litany of complaints Sunday from residents of Marjah, the southern town that thousands of U.S., NATO and Afghan troops just seized from the Taliban.March 7, 2010
  • Reporter: More than 200 dead in Nigeria violence
    More than 200 bodies - many of them women and children - lay in the streets of a central Nigerian town after a renewed spate of violence between Christians and Muslims, witnesses said Sunday, just months after religious violence tore through a nearby city and left hundreds dead.March 7, 2010
  • Somali information chief says war fueled by 'dueling messages'
    The minister of information for Somalia's embattled government says he is in a war of another kind with rebel groups threatening to destroy any hope for stability in the ravaged East African Country.March 2, 2010

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