Merger in the Air

  • Northwest planning cutbacks if mechanics strike
    While Northwest Airlines insists it will continue fully operating in the event of a strike, documents obtained by Minnesota Public Radio News by way of Northwest employees indicate the airline is also planning for possible flight cancellations.August 9, 2005
  • Mechanics struggle to find sympathetic colleagues at Northwest
    At a rally at the state Capitol on Tuesday, several labor groups from around the state turned out in a show of support for the mechanics union. But the turnout from other Northwest unions was less robust.August 9, 2005
  • Mechanic replacements waiting (and training) in the wings
    In the next few weeks, replacement mechanics for Northwest Airlines will make their way to the Twin Cities and other Northwest hubs. The airline says it will have a replacement workforce ready to go by August 19, when unionized mechanics could go on strike.August 5, 2005
  • A look at the last two U.S. airline strikes
    If Northwest Airlines mechanics go on strike August 19th, it will be the first airline mechanics strike in the U.S. since 1992. That strike at USAir (now US Airways) lasted only five days. But a 1989 mechanics strike at Eastern Airlines set off a two-year chain of events that ended with the airline's demise.August 2, 2005
  • Outsourcing looms large in NWA-mechanics dispute
    Outsourcing is one of the key issues in the contract dispute between Northwest airlines and its mechanics union. The union has criticized the company's use of outside maintenance shops. Some say outsourcing is the way of the future. The Northwest mechanics union fears it could lead to the union's demise.July 27, 2005
  • Northwest losses come amid 'perfect storm' of problems
    Eagan-based Northwest Airlines says it lost $225 million in the second quarter of the year. Investors seemed to like the news, which was not as bad as most had expected.July 26, 2005
  • Northwest proposal to mechanics: How does it compare?
    In the contract battle between Northwest Airlines and its mechanics, each side claims the other is out of step with reality. Northwest says it must slim down and restructure to match the rest of the industry. Mechanics say the airline demands cuts that go far beyond those put in place at major competitors like United and US Airways.July 25, 2005
  • Will other NWA unions honor mechanics picket line?
    With a strike deadline for the Northwest Airlines mechanics approaching, the company's other unions aren't saying if they'll honor a mechanics union picket line. Whether other unions refuse to work in solidarity with striking mechanics could affect the outcome of a walkout. But it's not clear how many other unions will honor the picket line.July 22, 2005
  • NWA flight attendants file suit against airline
    Northwest Airlines flight attendants' union filed suit Thursday to stop the Eagan-based company from training replacement flight attendants, who would fill in if there's a strike.July 22, 2005
  • Clock starts ticking toward strike at Northwest Airlines
    The National Mediation Board has released Northwest Airlines and its mechanics union from mediated contract talks. This clears the way for a possible strike in about a month. Airline strikes are extremely rare, and the two sides often work out a deal at the last minute. But many observers see a Northwest mechanics strike as a distinct possibility.July 20, 2005
  • Northwest mechanics, cleaners, and custodians overwhelmingly approve strike
    Northwest Airlines mechanics, cleaners, and custodians have voted overwhelmingly to approve a strike against the airline. In ballots tallied earlier today, 92.4 percent of Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association members working at Northwest authorized their national leader to call a strike, in accordance with the timetable set out by the Railway Labor Act that governs airline labor relations.July 19, 2005
  • Last day on the job for hundreds more Northwest mechanics
    While Northwest Airlines and its mechanics union edge toward a possible strike, Friday is the last day of work for about 580 Northwest Airlines mechanics in the Twin Cities. The airline says they are no longer needed because of slow growth in business.July 14, 2005
  • Mediators offer arbitration in NWA-mechanics talks
    Eagan-based Northwest Airlines and its mechanics union are one step closer to a strike. The National Mediation Board has decided it is unable to help the two sides resolve their contract negotiations through mediation. The board has offered Northwest and the mechanics the chance to accept binding arbitration. It's one last, remote chance to stave off the countdown to a strike.July 14, 2005
  • Though far from certain, strike possibility at Northwest is real
    It's a question important to almost anyone flying to, from, or through Minnesota in the coming months -- will Northwest Airlines mechanics go on strike?July 12, 2005
  • Mechanics union: Talks with Northwest are at a standstill
    Northwest Airlines mechanics have asked the National Mediation Board to declare their contract negotiations with the airline are at an impasse. If the board grants the request, a strike could occur after a 30-day cooling off period. The union's move came on a day when the company's CEO said, the company would have to consider bankruptcy unless it can reduce its labor costs.July 6, 2005
Merger in the Air photo by Michael Carter

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